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POLL!!!: The uber poll


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My curiosity is acting up again, so I decided to put together this uber poll. Basically I want to know what type of people are playing, and what they're using. The regular poll option isn't gonna work for this so I had to type it out.

#1 Male or Female

#2 Light side or Dark Side

#3 Guns or Sabers

#4 Version 1.02 or 1.03

#5 Newbie or Veteran

#6 Casual Gamer or Hardcore Gamer

#7 SC, ASC, or NSC

#8 Light Stance, Medium Stance, or Heavy Stance


This should give us ALL a really good idea about who's playing.

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I'm just waiting to get stoned at the moment, so I'll go against my inner-voice and participate in this poll...


1. 9/10 male, 1/10 female


2. The only drug I do is 'erb, so light side. This may change in the summer... :confused:


3. Saber. Green only. Preferably a bongsaber.


4. 1.02... when saber fighting felt fun and natural, like Tampax.


5. Retired war hero. Earned a green heart.


6. Former hardcore. I have switched my focus from simple ignorance to the pursuit of knowledge. Noble, eh?


7. REJ... you figure it out...


8. My pimp hand is strong...


In conclusion, I feel that the novel 1984 is coming true in metaphorical ways we have yet to understand.


Thank you.



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#1 Male

#2 Light side

#3 Sabers, sometimes guns in ctf.

#4 1.03

#5 Somewhere between, usually in top 50% of frag list

#6 In between.

#7 little bit of all three, heh. won't kill people who don't have a saber lit but I can't stand any of that bowing ****.

#8 Medium mostly, strong if I'm using force pull a lot.

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#1 Male

#2 Light

#3 Sabers

#4 1.02

#5 Close to being a Vet id say

#6 Hardcore Gamer

#7 SC

#8Medium Stance only limits me greatly but its my choice I simply wont allow myself to use red, and find few uses for blue.

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Hmm, guess I should answer my own questions here.

#1 Male

#2 Light

#3 BOTH!!!!!

#4 1.03

#5 Gunner Veteran, Saberist Newbie

#6 Hardcore

#7 None, since I feel these codes are tearing apart the community

#8 All, depends on situation

I'll drop a post every now and then summing up how the poll is going.

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1. Male

2. NF, so who really knows ;)

3. Saber

4. 1.03 (most people who know me would be suprised)

5. Veten00b

6. Prepatch-Hardcore Postpatch-Casual

7. IC (Ian's Code ;))

8. Medium Stance, with a touch of Heavy and Light as the situation calls for

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