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What keyboard setup do you use to play jk2?


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I was wondering what the best keyboard setup was so if you all post what key you bind to what then that'd be appreciated.


At the moment I use WSAD for movement and the numbers 1-7 as force powers but it's pretty inconvenient so there's gotta be a better way.

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This isnt bad. I have been using a form of this since early April. I was a WASD style player for a few years (Q2, Unreal, HLDM) but needed to moves to ESDF to get access to more keys.



//******************* Miscellaneous cvars ****************************

seta sensitivity "10.0"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

seta cg_dynamicCrosshair "1" //default

seta cg_saberAutoThird "1" // 0 doesnt work in mp

seta cg_gunAutoFirst "1"

seta cg_drawFPS "1" // draw fps on screen

seta r_allowExtensions "0" //fixes freeze bug in some cases


//****************** Miscellaneous controls ****************************

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"

bind TAB "+scores"

bind b "+use"

bind a "saberAttackCycle" //cycles between 3 stances

bind y "" // blank bind

bind F1 "engage_duel"

bind F2 "" // blank bind

bind F3 "" // blank bind

bind F4 "weapon 10" //

bind F5 "exec light.cfg"

bind F6 "exec dark.cfg"

bind F7 "exec autoexec.cfg"

bind F8 "exec jacob.cfg"

bind F9 "screenshot"

bind F10 "echo ^1one ^2two ^3three ^4four ^5five ^6six ^7seven ^8eight ^9nine ^10ten"// color check

bind F12 "quit"

//bind ALT ""


//****************** Weapons **************************************

bind x "weapon 1; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a; bind c vstr inveca" // 1 lightsaber +reset keys 2, 3, and 4

bind q "echo ****^3THROWABLE; weapon 10; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a; bind c vstr inveca" // 0 throwable +reset keys 2, 3, and 4

// 2 bryar blaster

// 3 blaster rifle

// 4 Tenloss Disruptor Rifle

// 5 wookie bowcaster

// 6 heavy repeater

// 7 demp 2

// 8 flachette

// 9 Rocket launcher


// script for key 2 --- 8 flachette, 5 bowcaster

set weap2a "echo ****^3FLACHETTE; weapon 8; bind 2 vstr weap2b; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind 4 vstr weap4a; bind c vstr inveca"

set weap2b "echo ****^3BOW; weapon 5; bind 2 vstr weap2a"

bind 2 "vstr weap2a"


// script for key 3 --- 6 repeater, 3 blaster rifle, 2 bryar blaster

set weap3a "echo ****^3REPEATER; weapon 6; bind 3 vstr weap3b; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 4 vstr weap4a; bind c vstr inveca"

set weap3b "echo ****^3BLASTER ^4RIFLE; weapon 3; bind 3 vstr weap3c"

set weap3c "echo ****^3BRYAR ^4BLASTER; weapon 2; bind 3 vstr weap3a"

bind 3 "vstr weap3a"


// script for key 4 --- 9 Rocket, , 4 disruptor, 7 demp2

set weap4a "echo ****^3ROCKETS; weapon 9; bind 4 vstr weap4b; bind 2 vstr weap2a; bind 3 vstr weap3a; bind c vstr inveca"

set weap4b "echo ****^3DISRUPTOR; weapon 4; bind 4 vstr weap4c"

set weap4c "echo ****^3DEMP2; weapon 7; bind 4 vstr weap4a"

bind 4 "vstr weap4a"


//****************** Inventory ************************************

set inveca "echo ^3BACTA; bind MOUSE3 use_bacta; bind c vstr invecb" // heals

set invecb "echo ^3SENTRY; bind MOUSE3 use_sentry; bind c vstr invecc" // stationary gun

set invecc "echo ^3SEEKER; bind MOUSE3 use_seeker; bind c vstr invecd" // floating attack droid

set invecd "echo ^3FIELD; bind MOUSE3 use_field; bind c vstr inveca" // forcefield

bind c "vstr inveca"


//***************** Chat ***********************************

bind i "messagemode" //regular chat

bind u "messagemode2" //team chat


//***************** Movement **********************************

bind s "+moveleft"

bind e "+forward"

bind d "+back"

bind f "+moveright"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind z "+movedown"

bind SHIFT "+speed"



//**************** Force Powers --- Neutral **********************

bind v "force_seeing" //toggle

bind g "force_speed" //toggle

bind MWHEELUP "bind MOUSE3 force_throw; bind c vstr inveca"

bind MWHEELDOWN "bind MOUSE3 force_pull; bind c vstr inveca"


the following are in either my light.cfg or dark.cfg

//Force Powers --- Dark

// note: the bind x vstr inxeca is to reset a key that affects MOUSE3 from autoexec.cfg

bind w "bind MOUSE3 +force_drain; bind c vstr inveca"

bind r "bind MOUSE3 +force_lightning; bind c vstr inveca"

bind t "bind MOUSE3 +force_grip; bind c vstr inveca"

bind h "force_rage"

bind n "force_forcepowerother" // Team Energize


//Force Powers --- Light

bind w "force_absorb"

bind r "force_heal"

bind h "force_protect"

bind t "force_distract"

bind n "force_healother" // Heal Teammate

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This is what I use...


Up Arrow: Move Forward

Down Arrow: Backpedal

Left Arrow: Strafe Left

Right Arrow: Strafe Right

Mouse Button 1 (Left): Primary Fire

Mouse Button 2 (Right): Secondary Fire

Mouse Button 3 (Middle): Jump

Mouse Wheel Up: Previous Weapon

Mouse Wheel Down: Next Weapon

Control: Crouch

Right Shift: Use


That's basically the only keys I use except to switch between first and third person view, I use the "P" key for that, which is the default.


These are the settings I use for all FPS games. :)

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WSAD for movement

X jump

C crouch


F use selected Force

Z and V to switch force powers in game



i can hit F1 - F5 easily enough while moving, so using Z and V to switch powers gets me by pretty good in a game.

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Forward: a

Backward: z

Strafe left: ctrl

Strafe right: alt

Attack: Mouse1

Jump: Mouse2

Duck: Mouse3


as for force powers, i have use the same buttons for each side, and i just use a toggle for em. script for it looks like this:


set darkforce "bind s +force_lightning; bind x +force_grip; bind d force_rage; bind c +force_drain; bind f force_forcepowerother; echo ^1Dark ^1Force ^1Powers"


set lightforce "bind s force_absorb; bind x force_heal; bind d force_distract; bind c force_protect; bind f force_healother; echo ^5Light ^5Force ^5Powers"

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mines original


normal arrow keys for movment

numpad 0 for jump, numpad 1 for crouch, numpad 4 for push and numpad 5 for pull. K for duel, ctrl for taunt, and delete to cycle left, page down to cycle right, and end to use force power.





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this is the setup i use and it works pretty well i think




w=weapon back

r=most used secondary force power

t=second most used secondary force power

g=change lightsaber style

v=saber duel


2=floating orb thingie


shift=stationary shield

mouse3=draw lightsaber



(using the rolling mouse button for push pull is a definite must)

890=3 most used weapons


i generally only use 2 secondary force powers but if you use more you can switch g to another force power and use h to change lightsaber style

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