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Fav courses, best times

Guest Codua

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Guest Codua

What are some of your favorite courses and the best times on them? I just beat the game last night and I want a new challenge..


Not my fav course, but the one I was working on today was:

Amateur Mon Gazza Speedway

I got 56.953 total and 18.039 best lap Using Ebe and Neva


Please give me some good times to try for smile.gif

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Guest gocris


my name is Cristian Sanhueza,

I live in Santiago of Chile (Southamerica), excusme my english.


How you can mark 56.953 ??

what is the hint or tip ??



a chilean friend smile.gif)




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Guest Boba Rhett

Hey new guys! It's great to see some new people around here. Make sure check out all the craziness going on in the discussion forum too!



I live here ya know.


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Guest Jawamaster

Most newcomers only post one topic which is usually, "Are there any codes for the pc version." And then they never come back.




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Guest Codua

Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to the game, I just got it 4 days ago but that's all I've been doing since.. hehe


-=Sebulba=-, I'll try that one! Just going through the game I got a 2.28 so there's a lot of room for improvement smile.gif



It seems like I can get about that time with just about any racer if I play it right, you just have to take every corner tight and there are two places where you can get just the slightest boost, right after the finish line and right before.. if you take a look at the track you don't actually have to take a couple of the last turns and you can boos through them. Other than that.. use Ebe or Neva or Bullseye, that's what worked for me smile.gif


Ok, I have 2.03, 38.8 on Boonta Training..



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