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GTK causing this?


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Hi i have been using gtk recently and in generall prefer it to JORadient, but it has some issues I believe.

1. memory leak..when a map gets over a certain size and if you bsp it with gtkradient my system gets so slow afterwards...(not a slow system either 1.8g xp athlon and 512 ddr mem with gf3) if i try to run jo staright away it takes about 2 mins to load up.

2. Some of my brushes have been doubled..for instance i make a simple platform and texture it..complile it and decide to change the texture. I select the brush again and it doenst change..I delete the brush and there is another brush with the new texture neneath the one I just deleted.


anyone else come across this...


Of course this is affecting my complie times..removed the "extra" brushes from my map with joradient and tme went down from 2hr 10 min to 35 minutes..bit of a difference



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GTKRadiant destroyed my map


it probably set me back about 2 weeks


has it done any random brush deletion to anyone else ? or just me?


ever since i used it my map wont load in game as well which is starting to really worry me



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Hmm...not sure why you guys are having so many issues with GTK. I was sooo happy to get back to GTK because I find JK2Radiant so buggy ;) JK2Radiant is really just an old version of what GTKRadiant came from. They both orginate with QERadiant and have followed a different development path. GTKRadiant is much more tested and developed however.


BTW: GTKRadiant has an undo..that will go back several changes. If something does go weird, just 'undo'


But...Whatever works for you is the best one.


- Vorax

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