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help :Arlus Mines


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ok all throughout this stage you se 1 or more of these huvering transport type things. right now i guess im at some kind of loading dock for it. if your still in when the room goes red your dead. i hav also tried waiting at the side it exits ran up the rock like rap jumped on the ledge at the exit and attemped to jump on the transport. how the heck do i get on this thing?


also should i have trigered the nearby train on that electric tail yet or will it come later ( if i need it now HOW?, if its later dont give it away ill look for it first )


thanx for your time

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ok. stay in the general area. go back into the room where there were several officers and storm troopers. there should be a camera in there where you can watch a pipe going in and out on the outside. go out there and look for it, when it extends beneith you, jump onto it. duck, and let it retract and you'll fall to the ledge just below it. now wait till it comes back out and goes back in then rush inside. you have to get in underneith the chamber that turns red and destroy all the red parts in there before they activate and fry you. now you can ride the shaft that rides up into the room, and climb on a cargo container and ride onward to the rest of the level.

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