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Guest Light_or_Dark

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Guest Light_or_Dark

This might sound stupid but I sorta need some help.....got no clue what and how to use IPX.....don't even have it and desperately need it cuz I NEED to play Racer Multiplayer!!!!!!! Can you guys help me out?? The almight Ahnfahn?????????



Bullseye......GREAT SHOT!

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Guest Darth Kurgan

First, go into control panel, and check under "networks" and make sure IPX is listed. If not, you need to "install" it. That protocol is obviously required for netplay.


I hear you can also play it on heat.net, but not sure what you need for that.


Can anyone help him?



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Guest Light_or_Dark

well.....thanks Kurgan but I already know its not on....just to make sure I'll check......nope not there....now I need to know where to get it.....is it on the Racer CD?? Can I download IPX?? HELP!!!!! You guys still believe ahnfahn is just a computer program.....well heres his chance to prove you wrong!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Bullseye......GREAT SHOT!

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Guest theahnfahn

note - I haven't done this in a while and the information may be screwed up.


Go to your C: drive, then go into the control panel. Double click on the Network icon. Hit the Add button. Click on Protocol. Click that Add button. Go to Microsoft. On the right there should be a list. Select IPX/SPX-compatible protocol. You may need a Windows disk, but I am not sure on that.


After that is done, download the heat software and MAKE SURE you enter the correct command line for racer so the heat browser knows how to launch the game. Then just go into the racer lobby and wait for someone to race you. Make sure you read the online directions heat provides. They tell you how to do all of this. Also, some ISPs don't allow heat play, so check on that in the heat FAQ section.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Light_or_Dark

THANK GOD FOR AHNFAHN!!!!! Whoever you are thanks a LOT! It worked.....luckily didn't need CD since I don't have it....got a custom computer and the guy that put it together has it....although I probably could have gotten it from him cuz he LOVES the game and says it has the best graphics hes seen.....well Thanks again....and there is your proof folks.....AHNFAHN IS REAL!! SO BYE FOR NOW TO ALL!!!!!

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Guest Ikhnaton

first time on a UBB forums? Jed Apprentice means you have 10 or fewer posts (a newbie), Jedi Knight means you have more than 10. Jedi Council denotes an administrator.


word from the wise, do NOT post useless stuff to up your post count.

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