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Cant reach base commander - door locked


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I can't reach the base commander - he is behind a locked door at the bottom of some stairs. I have killed all of the troopers and can't find any key or switch to proceed. How does the door unlock? I know I need the Base commander to unlock the door at the top of the stairs. Level Artus - detention

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There was a switch I missed that does unlock the door. It was in plain sight, I just over looked it.


I'm sure very few other people will have problems here, but just in case anyone else gets stuck here....



(slight spoiler below...)



you can find the switch in the room past the left door once you exit the main room you found through the mine tunnels. The switch is located in the center of the control panel (I don't know how I missed it before) and unlocks a door leading to back to the hanger. In this hallway there is a window where you can see the Base Commander and see that the door on the other side of the room is now unlocked. Go back around and proceed down the stairs through that unlocked door.

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