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Boost Help.....HELP ME

Guest Glenn T

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Guest Glenn T



I need to know how to use the boost in the Racer demo. I've tried re-asinging the keys doesn't work, i've tried the same method as the 64.


Hold down forward, when light hits GREEN prees and hold boost key, this does not work.


Any help would be greatly appreaciated,



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Guest Light_or_Dark

When you want to boost do the same thing you said....hold forward until the meter gets to the top and turns a different colour...then press the bosst button....I never hold it so I don't know if this will affect it...that might be why it wasn't working.



Bullseye......GREAT SHOT!

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Guest Ikhnaton

Glenn, that's a great name you've got there, and it is spelled right, with two N's and all!


(my name is Glenn as well)

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Guest iguacu3948

You need to hold pitch down (8 is default) once the light turns green, then wait until the light turns yellow, and THEN boost.

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