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1.03 - 1.04 suggestions.

Dark Begger

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Hello Raven and fellow JK2 players, I'd like to put up a couple suggestions to Raven for their next patch. But I must warn everyone beforehand, I do favor 1.02 over 1.03 (as will be explained why), and my answer will ultimately be in a way biased. But I've been posting on TWL (a supporting ladder), and my clan forums for the past week(s) about this patch, and thought I would get much more to the core of Raven if I posted here.


My first suggestion is to bring saber dueling almost in it's entirety back to the 1.02 style, we had our fun with 1.03, with the ridiculous over blocking, and the minimal damage making us look like we're fighting with glow sticks. The method that 1.02 had made dueling feel more dangerous, makes people think twice before running into battle, which it should. This does not mean the DFA should be returned to it's 'turnable' ability, but the blocking and damage should be returned to normal.


My second suggestion would be to give dark side a little more balance with the light side forces. I understand how drain was being complained about and grip, BUT, in your efforts to make things more balanced, light side has come up on top, and is now the stronger side. They should be more equal, maybe by making grip stronger, or somehow giving darkside a living chance against the light side jedi.


Those are the two main suggestions I can think of. I am not a CTF player, so I cannot comment on the 'guns' arguement, but as for the sabers, those improvements or something along those lines need to happen.


I'm sure you guys are Raven understand that there will always be complainers, and a lot of people who come on boards (not trying to single any group out) are here to add a complaint or some kind of problem. There is a large crowd outside of here that had no problem with 1.02. DFA was counterable, Medium was just emerging as the dominant saber style. I watched in many servers people come and go, and slowly I saw majority of red users change to majority of yellow users, this was during 1.02.


As you can see now, there are already complainers of new thigns in 1.03, not only the ones (like me, I must admit) who complain about the saber changes, but the ones who now, after nerfing the DFA, are tryign to get the backstab nerfed. You can never win, and if more changes occur, more 'non complainers' will come onto boards and complain about that.


I'm sorry for the long message, but this is how I feel on this subject. People will argue with me, hate me, yell at me, but I'm just stating what I think would be best. Hopefully Raven reads this and replies and takes it under consideration.



Dark Begger

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