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Need some shader help, among other things

Darkhold X

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Ok I am working on My first skin which for the skin itself is only someplace around 50% done. I have mentioned in a few other threads I was working on my own mara Jade skin, and started over from scratch today using jedif, instead on tavion. My attempt with her sucked.:D


I have gotten most the basic things done, and mainly have to make some high length boots, and fit the bands goin around the legs, and make the face less jan like wich I have already done some sligth things to


so far I have this:


What I want, and need is someone either do some shader work for me, or show me some really good instructions since I have no clue on even how to go about using them. Also if someone would be even willing to do the shader work for me, and this turns out good enough to release I will give them full credit on their work.


I also need someone who knows for sure that glove cant come off. I would rather just put on skin ones than have one huge glove on one hand one hand without, or one skin one wich would look really dumb. I noticed that the gloves part in the textures is on the accessories pic, so I was thinking the glove could possible be removed.


Also if someone could tell me how to disable that damn grunting sound when you jump too.:D

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well what kinda of shader are you looking to accomplish?


about the glove, im not sure...i tried removing it with no luck. it might be part of the model. spawn the jedif in-game...does she have the glove?


sounds are referenced through the sounds.cfg and animsounds.cfg and the chars/Player_Name/misc folders. im not sure how you would get rid of sounds alltogether, as if the game doesnt find any, it uses a default set.




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On basicly everything thats black I want it to be shiny. I think jangos armor shine is a bit over board but I want shiny enough to tell its deffinatly shiny.:D I want it to look like shiny leather or something similar http://www.ffurg.com/casting_call/marajade/mara-photo.jpg


well there seems to be switches basicly that controll the sounds. Turning them off dosent seem like a problem. the thing is that sound dosent seem to be controlled by the cfg thats in with the model...:( If it is it has some totaly strange name, because force leap dosent seem like it would be it. Along with the fact that the directory it says is under saber.

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I should have known better than to ask for help.:(

here is the latest with some alterations, and some better legs.;)





The latest revision.


Still gotta get the lighting right on the shirt front. Started redoing a different belt buckle, and still trying to make the face look les jan like, wich dosent seem to easy for some reason.:D


I will be needing someone to do the shader work, or a very in depth walkthrough on how to do it since thats more along modeling lines, and I dont have any clue on what to do.:( Ofcoarse nobody will ever reply, and most definatly wont offer to do what I need, so I dont know why I bother.:o

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what a pessimist!


Shaders are a quite complex effect that would be impossible to tutor in detail in a forum. I myself know only some basics for shaders but here is what I can tell you anyway.


shader files (.shader) are the thing you want to look at. If you open them with notepad you will see the scripts for each part and what effect and texture the shader will use.


The easiest way to edit these shaders is to use the shader editor provided with JKED tools and modify existing shaders in the game. (you can also find plenty on internet). You need to extract them from your asset0.pk3.


To use the shader editor you need to have all the files that the shader uses in the correct directories and the model in the models directory (or in pk3 format in your base directory). The shader editor is pretty intuitive and works very well.


The best way to learn enough to be able to do the effect you want is to look at the shader for the imperial protocol droid. And modify it in order to suit your needs.


I hope you have learned something :) To learn more you need to experiment and read some tutorials.


Great skin BTW...

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I learned to be a pessimist on boards from experience of getting little to no help at least 80% of the time.


anyway I doubt since this is my first skin I will really be able to mess with shaders on my own right off the bat with no experience. If someone would be willing to do it one this one so I can get it finished would be nice for now since I dont want to be forever doing this one thing. I have no clue how to put the shaders on what to do it with, or anything else.:o Im clueless as to what to do.

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I dont know if I would go that far, but I have no clue on how to do that sort of thing. I cant even get a model to show up in in the viewer thing.:o


just somone willing to do some shader work is all I ask. the other stuff I can probably figure out.

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I was able to get rid of that dumb grunt for the jump, and rolls with some trickery.


I have been playing around in confusing shader editor thing. I want to use a shader I found from another model, but I have no clue on how to change the directories for what images the shaders are being aplied to. I also need to know how to use shaders on sections of of the textures only. I assume its by using tgas with alpha layers instead of jpgs I would guess.

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