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Light; is it useless?


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I run around picking up things, and I have to say the Light Force Enlightenment cube seems useless if not harmful. If your playing on a team or in a FFA, and you pick this up then you glow like a lighthouse, and everyone is gonna spot you and kick your ass! I use Luke or one of the shadowtroopers because their black, and I can hide. I can understand in a duel where you have to go one on one that light is a distraction, but outside of these servers I think that it's silly.:lsduel:

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I utterly despise the visual effects for the Force Enlightenment/Boon cubes. I actually despise most of the effects in JK2 - distracting, useless, most of them eat framerate and look silly.


I guess these visuals alert other players that you're using a special item/ability... but do they need to know? I remember the original Jedi Knight, you never knew, and that didn't hurt gameplay in the slightest. In fact, all of the mystery made it more fun.


The Light/Dark 'auras' that the cubes put on you are also very buggy. If you pick up both a Force Enlightenment and a Boon, sometimes the effects will interlapse and make a semi-opaque wall that you can't see through. I think there needs to be an option that lets you turn off the strange visual effects in the next patch.

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Agreed, It also is more alike to the movies to NOT show the effects of using the force. Why? Because its more fun to guess, and in the game more fun to be observant and know your opponent.


Other peeves: the sounds of using trick, seeing, and absorb. Since when do these involve any sound?

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