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Eluding walls

Guest Codua

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Guest Codua

I was reading through some of the professional online Racer guides and I was surprised to see how many people think that the air brakes and slide aren't even worth using.


Air Brakes

Seems to me that it would be much faster to come up to a corner as fast as you can and then break just in time to catch the corner than to coast from farther away until you've bled off enough speed to handle it.



I was just playing Bumpy's Breakers trying to beat -=Sebulba=-'s lap time, and I found corners where I could take at full speed if I slid around them right, same with a lot of other corners in the game. One noteworthy one is the canyons on any Baroonda level. 180 turns? How do people play without it??



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Guest Redwing

Oh, I never tried that.



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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

I slide on only the sharpest turns. For instance, I can hardly beat Grabvine Gateway on Baroonda without drifting through those 180 degree turns. However, I have never used my airbrakes, so in watto's shop, I downgrade those to get money for parts I need.


To drift on the 64, hold down the trigger button as you come into a turn, and you will go sideways. It takes a bit to get the hang of drifting, but once you do, it is pricelss.

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Guest Redwing

I beat Grabvine Gateway by nosing up at the turns. My reflexes aren't good enough to hit slide at top speed.



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