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ATTAck of Them Thar Clones is Out!

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So be it!


Attack of the clones is out and DURRRR its cool !!! Watch the amazing, MMMMM, Yoda, spin his tiny self in circles till ya puke! Watch Count Chocula or is it DOOKO run with the plans of the original Death STar!! Relive the moment of JAS Jar Binks sniffing his finger in Paddle Mes "Royal Chamber Pot" Enjoy Annie and obi Won Kanobi bitch, moan and bicker there way to Fame!!! And lets not firget Janga Fett and his clone son Bobba (Wow, Jango used to be a Hush Puppie salesman!!! And who could forget a galaxie of clones and aliens only James T. Kirk would want to have sex with!!


Two to Beam aboard Twinkie

BUDDA, Budda, BUDDA, ok Buck

MMMMM, I feel a great disturbance strong is the Cylons in the ways of the Force!!

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