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Can somebody tell me what editor to get


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NO!!! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!!!! YOU MUST NOT GO THE WAY OF THE GTK!!!! You must come and follow the way of the JK2Radient! I can't get the adrees now but it's in the files section. Heed my words, GTK is not the tool for the job!





oooo ooo not a probe any more!

:bdroid2: Roger Roger

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I stand by my decision to use GTK, I just find it better, and it's also a DAMN site easier to move around the preview pane, AND I can use the wheel on my mouse to zoom in and out of the main window as opposed to pressing del/ins all the time.


Now, if only someone could help me with my problem with models that use shaders/glowing textures!!


Mal Brigand

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