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Is Raven going to make a new patch ?


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my guess : no

you won't see another patch until the expansion pack.




consider :

when a developer is contracted to make a game like this ..

they have room in the budget for the one-year development cycle ..

and they have room in the budget for ONE patch ..

but then thats it. no more development budget.


the developer gets cut loose, and thats the end of the project.


publishers can't keep throwing money at a developer,

whenever there's ~another~ issue that needs patching in their game.


at some point, they all say : "THATS IT , NO MORE , THIS IS A FINISHED PRODUCT"

and everybody moves on to the next game.



and looking back ,

I'd say its pretty obvious thats what happened with "StarTrekVoyager:EliteForce"



its pretty obvious that Raven was hired to produce one game + one patch. period.

so they made their game . they patched it. end of story.


but then .. they found all kinds of ~further~ issues.

and they wanted to do ~another~ patch, to fix the game.

the customers ~also~ wanted another patch.


but activision said NO


their position : "who's gonna PAY the guys at raven to write this second patch..? NOT US! because a new patch will NOT increase further sales of this game!"


(and of course , Raven wasn't willing to do it for FREE)


((so somebody had a brilliant idea : Raven creates a lame-ass expansion pack))

((which can be seen as a saleable product , with a development-budget all its own))

((just so they could finally fix the game, and provide us with that second patch))


((and WHO paid for it ..? not activision. that particular "patch" costed the consumer $29.99))






((ALSO : the same thing happened to RUNE :

if you recall, they had to create ANOTHER product (Halls of Valhalla)..

just so they could get ANOTHER development budget from their publisher...

... just so they could AFFORD to spend some time on that third patch of theirs))


((and their "expansion pack" was just a "disguised patch" same as Voyager's))






so anyways .. to make a long story short..

(and based on these previous examples)..

I'm afraid you will NOT see another patch for THIS particular game,

unless you are willing to PAY for the priveledge of owning a patch.


((ermm .. did I say "patch"? .. I mean 'expansionpack' .. ya thats the ticket))

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which leads me to the following question :

does anyone think that Raven/Lucas f*cked the game ON PURPOSE..??

(in an attempt to make you WANT to BUY that upcoming expansion pack..??)





can everyone remember the marketting genius that was "NEW COKE" ..?

((when CocaCola axed their original recipe in favor of a pepsi-clone..?))

((in order to create DEMAND for the original product..?))

(((and it WORKED!!)))






perhaps we are all being played like violins here, gentlemen.

perhaps this whole 1.03-patch-controversy was by design.

(with the intent of making you WANT to spend more money,

to fix the game's perceived shortcomings)


((as in : don't worry boys and girls , Raven/Lucas WILL fix this game eventually))

(((FOR A FEE)))

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that's quite an assumption.


to me, the game appears fixed (sure there are a few bugs, but nothing serious). i enjoy playing it more than with 1.02. of course i'm a lame saber dueler, so your opinion may vary greatly.


that said, i'd still like to see that raven is concerned about their game and that they're willing to fix any remaining problems.

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Originally posted by Cobalt60

so anyways .. to make a long story short..

(and based on these previous examples)..

I'm afraid you will NOT see another patch for THIS particular game,

unless you are willing to PAY for the priveledge of owning a patch.


((ermm .. did I say "patch"? .. I mean 'expansionpack' .. ya thats the ticket))


i know for a FACT that you, sir, are WRONG.

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