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"Inferno" in Invitational Pod Racing Circuit won't unlocked!

Guest Great Jedi Knight

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Guest Great Jedi Knight

Hi, I need help, I had play this game on my PC computer. I had finish three races on 1st place in Invitational Pod Racing Circuit, but next race 4, Invitational Pod Racing Circuit, won't unlock! In total, I had finish 23 (3 races in Invitational Pod Racing Circuit) races in first place, and I had finish only one race in 3rd place. did I need replay race to get 1st place to unlock "inferno". if you know about it, please rely, ASAP!


--Great Jedi Knight


[This message has been edited by Great Jedi Knight (edited August 31, 2000).]

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Guest theahnfahn

Hmmm, if I remember correctly there are 25 levels total. You say you have beaten 23, and one of the levels you still can't get is Inferno. Seeing as there is only one level left, I'd wager it is The Boonta Classic you haven't beaten yet. That is the level you have to beat to get Inferno.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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