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question about vis


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do curves and cylinders etc block vis?



ive got a little nightclub thingo that is multi storey and has a bit of detail in it but it seems to be running really slowly im trying to figure out if it would be a vis thing or what



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the vrts number thingo gets up to 11500

is that bad?

i might need to make some vis blocking partitions


but i think its actually my npcs


i made some scripts to make some of them dance and its freaking it out too much


i set a script to play some animations and got the script to loop but i think thats a bad way to do it cause my puter is all freaked out by it


does anyone know if this would be causing it?



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the command -patchshadows is only for the light compiling process not for the actual bsping/pvsing



patchx, how did you find out the animations?


are they frame periods or do they have names, like "dance" (if so, where to find em?)?



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i used the modview tool that came with the sdk for jk2 to find ones that suited my needs


it has all the animations listed and u can make whatever player model you want go through them


i made a script that just plays some wierd saber moves and stuff one after the other pretty fast and set it to loop and it looks like crazee rave dancing


i just need to to find a sexee lingerie chick skin so i can have podium dancers and all will be well



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i used area portals on my doors but it says in the junk.txt file;


Entity 187, Brush 0: areaportals only allowed in world



and also


WARNING: areaportal brush 1098 doesn't touch two areas

WARNING: areaportal brush 1073 doesn't touch two areas

WARNING: areaportal brush 1072 doesn't touch two areas


i got the area portal the same dimensions as the dorr only thinner so it doesnt extrude from the doors visible surfaces


what am i doing wrong?



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