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Level too bright!


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When a make a nice little level, the entire level is practically white, no matter what textures I use. Is there a special command to use when compiling? Or do you have to create a light, and set it to 200 or...what?

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Unfortunately, I tried it, and the command prompt screen doesn't go away :(. What should I enter under project properites? or what should I manually type in to compile. I tried -bsp, then -vis, then -light, but the level was pitch black. Help?

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This may sound stupid but did you create any light entities at all? NOTE: if you have a big level, you'll need to increase the intensity of lights. 300 is the default but sometimes you'll need to set them to 3000 and more.

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No, there are no light entities. Do you really need them? But I am thinking it's in the compiling...What should I enter under fastvis(1/2) under project setting when I click change? Or what should I type in manually to compile in command prompt?

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You NEED light entities. What you're experiencing is a 'full bright' map, which is what the game does when you run a compile that doesn't inlude the light stage. Put light entities in your map, and then run a full vis or fast vis compile.


Light entities are ABSOLUTELY NECCESSARY. If you think you can build a map w/ out any, you are mistaken. :D


Just wanted to get that point across.

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