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Lighting Yavin Vegetation


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I'm having some severe problems lighting both yavin plant models (ie: fern3_b.md3), and also yavin vertex shaders (ie: grasspatchy_swampsprite).


The specific problems are, the models appear unlit (even in a fullbright map) and the sprites of the shaders appear fullbright (even in a lit map)


I've tried targeting a light at the models, tried "nolight" compile, tried using worldspawn ambient light, tried putting lights REALLY close and at normal ranges....nothing works (for me at least)


Driving me F***n mad! :D


I have been able to light other models, for example the X-Wing.



Any help is GREATLY appreciated


- Barge

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Maps featuring any surfacesprite shaders have to be compiled with vertex lighting mode only.....to quote the q3 enhancment's doc


"First you cannot use lightmaps, the surface must be instead vertex lit, else the light will look fullbright"


if you need help with setting up a vertexlight compile option just let me know


hope this helps


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hey, thnx for the speedy replies.


Gizmo - I've had a quick mess around with sof2map, it has an option -vlight, but when I actually try to use it, it says there is no such command... any help would be appreciated :)


Tigris - I tried changing the model to structural (Selection -> Make Structural) but it didn't work for me.


Something strange I noticed whilst stuffing around though; If you CTRL+Shift select one of the sides of the model, it's texture reads (1.00000 0.00000 0.00000), I tried changing this to 1 1 1 (hoping it was some sort of light value) but it didn't work :(


Hopefully an answer will be found


Thnx again


- Barge

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you will need to amend your .qe4 file's (there in the tools dir you can open them with notepad)with this line


"bsp FullVis_Vlight" "__QERPATH\sof2map -bsp -vertexlighting -samplesize 16 $ && __QERPATH\sof2map -vis $ && __QERPATH\sof2map -light -patchshadows -extra -samplesize 16 $"


place it above the autosave line near the end of the document and you will have a new complie option "bsp FullVis_Vlight"


this compile option will also cure the problem with the fern3_b.md3 as its shader file is also effected by the q3map_nolightmap/q3map_onlyvertexlighting commands


let me know how you get on

hope this helps :)

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gizmo - I bow to you

Bow \Bow\ (bou), v. i.

To bend the head, knee, or body, in token of reverence


O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel

before the Lord our maker. --Ps. xcv. 6.





Seriously though, it is greatly appreciated. After discovering it can not rain in multiplayer, I thought all hope was lost... but there is hope still...


Now I must go forth and plunder the FPS with my excessive and unyielding abuse of plantlife and thick grassy undergroath.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....plunder I say!



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