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Who do you think ordered the clone army? (SPOILERS)


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Originally posted by Prowl lightstar

Why does Dooku try and get obi wan to help him "destroy the sith"? And why does he tell obi wan that the senate is under the control of the sith? i know that the jedi don't believe him, they think he's just being deceptive. But what purpose does it serve Dooku. And i don't buy that he was just sowing seeds of distrust.


He wants Obi Wan to join him. He tells him this in the hopes that Obi Wan will go 'Well golly gee, that sure sucks!! Let's fight that evil senate.'


To Dooku, telling Obi Wan lead in two directions: 1) Obi joins me, yayyyy 2) Obi doesn't join me, so he dies (therefore the information I gave him is safely protected)


He didn't anticipate Obi Wan's escape, so I don't think he ever meant for the Jedi Council to hear that.

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I thought there were going to be royal guards, tusken females, and aura sing in this movie... where were they?

Just like few people already mentioned, Royal guards can be seen in couple scenes with Palpatine. Perhaps we'll see them fighting in Episode III, because they have always been described as elite soldiers, and if someone gets past those troops and tries to kill Palpatine after he has became Emperor, they'll be pretty busy. ;)


One rumour which I read earlier from TheForce.Net revealed that Aurra Sing will be in Episode III(well, she has to be after her appearance in TPM) and that she will probably unite with Boba Fett. I don't know about you, but they could be really deadly pair(just like Zam and Jango) while fighting againts Jedi, especially Aurra Sing, who has her own lightsaber and knows how to use it because of her training. :D

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Originally posted by DigitalGangsta

Yeah why did Dooku tell Obi Wan the truth? Even if Obi joins him, they'll fight Sidious/Palpatine? But Sidious is Dooku's master, so why would he want to fight him?


Doesn't make sense. I guess the Dark Side really does cloud one's judgment!


Not really, they would continue to fight the Republic, as Dooku had been doing. Eventually Obi Wan, under Dooku's influence, would do something bad and cross to the Dark Side--and then he would belong to Sidious.

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you get people to have no confidence in the senate/democracy then you have an easier time to get them to side with facisim.


its clear what is going to suade anakin to become vader and the emperrors bitch. he is first convinced that the senate/democracy does not work or is corrupted. A better looking alternative, facisim, is presented as efficient and just (by presenting the figure head as a just man).


That sides anakin with palpatine politically right there.


The fact that the nature of this form of government is based solely on the power of the figurehead, makes "self" become the ideology.


With some ego stroking and the resulting criminalization of "the light sided people who misunderstand and kept me down", it will be very easy to turn anakin to the dark side.


In fact that is how you turn anyone over, including obi-wan.


The first step is to convince them that the democratic system is flawed/ corrupted.

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Originally posted by Cracked

please excuse my ignorance, but who is Aurra Sing?


It's an extremely forgivable bit of ignorance, she is mainly an EU character, but she had a few seconds of screen time in TPM, she's a bounty hunter.

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Originally posted by _thr0ne_

Can sombody explain to me why everybody thinks :lightning Sid is :joreth: Ty's master? Anybody here tell me why you people assume this?



In the end of the movie he goes and reports to Darth Sidious, like an underling would.


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