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Lightmap but no lightstage? Read inside for info.


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After scrapping my first map, I've decided to work on a duel map that is part of a larger level.


I have created all my own textures for this map. They are in filesizes divisible by 2, and are all 24bpp in colour depth. (Used the Yavin set as "information" for what my files should be.)


Now, I did a full compile and loaded up my map, and I get the dreaded "black map with white grids" going on. And a message in console that says somethin kinda like "Lightmap but no lightstage"


Does anybody have any ideas what this is? I figure Tems, Antilles, Unikorn, or one of you may know exactly what my problem is. Any help would be appreciated.



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Questions 3: (may seem obvious but...)

1. Are they UNCOMPRESSED jpg files? (said seems obvious....)


2. Where did you put them? My new textures worked when I put them into the "Bespin" directory and I haven't tried them elsewhere.


3. Why did I promise 3 questions? Never promise three when you can only thing of two.


Hope this helps, hope I'm not being patronising having just started with Radiant :D

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