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It's actually pretty easy. First, have you unpacked the assets files? I put the files into a directory called "stuff" in the JKII folder. This will make it easier. Now, make an "fxrunner" entity, press "n", and put in the key "fxfile". Then, put in the path "effects/env/" and depending on what kind of fire you want put in the name of the .efx file (there is small_fire.efx and fire.efx, those are the only ones I have used, and they are pretty cool) Remember to include the .efx at the end or it won't work. Hope this helps!





:bdroid1: Roger Roger

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also... if you create a light entity above the fire and set it to an orangish color, and create a key called style on the light entity and assign it the value 3 you can have a flickering orangish light if you want your fire to give off light.



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What about light beams...i've been reading numerous posts..but i can't seem to get it 2 work...i've searche through quake 3 files looking for a beam.shader since 'JO' doesn't have one....right now..i have a big black box floating air doing nothing.....someone said i have to program it like its fire...i dont know how to do it..any help would be great.....

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there are a lot.. .and i mean a lot... of differences in path structures between the q3 stuff and jk2 stuff. granted some of it is the same, but a lot of it is really different if you notice. many things from q3 just won't work with jk2 like effects and models unless you reexport them using milkshape.

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I too was wondering how to place a flame in my level and came upon your post and tried your suggestions. I have created the fx_runner and made the fxfile=effects/env/small_fire.efx. I even extracted that particular file and I cannot get it to work. Also, I am using the latest version of GTK, if that makes a dif. Any ideas?

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It is included with the game in the base/ directory. You don't actually need to unpack it (waste of space, IMO), you can just open it in winzip and look at the files it contains.


(It is the assets0.pk3 for textures/effects/etc and the assets1.pk3 for character soundsets)

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