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I would like to stand my ground.

Ferrara Z23

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Like in single player its easier to block incoming attacks but in MP I could have my blocking all the way but and maybe block the first second of the strike but it would always do some kind of damage. I mean how can I perfect the skill of blocking incoming saber attacks.



Another thing how can I find out what my frame rate is?

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Hi, the only way I know of to successfully block them is to point your crosshair directly at them so it turns red. Also what stance are you using. I've been told that light stance is not so good at blocking a heavy swing.

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You cant just stand there and expect to block the blows. The first blow will often push your saber to the side and any follow ups will have a better chance of getting through.


Red is best, then yellow then blue.


I use Red when I want to be defensive but I also step back a little from attacks. Standing still would be fatal.

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos

light stance is the best for blocking, and nothing is very efective at blocking heavy stance without the patch, and anything is efective against it with the patch.


this is NOT true, the stronger your stance is, the better it is for blocking, because if your opponent uses a stronger stance there is a chance he knocks your saber away making you unable to block a follow up attack.


Also, there are some not blockable attacks, like backstab, backslash and DFA. Also red swings are not fully blockable, they will always do a small ammount of damage.


You will never be able to block everything just standing still, you need to take evasive action, try to predict your opponents next move, and start a counter move, or get out of his sabers way

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