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Creating a Elevator Platform with switches

[-nIx-] Knight

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I need to know how to make a platform elevator that goes up and down when a switch is pressed.. I tried Q3 Tutorials but none of them were quite clear on how to do it.. Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I also checked the example kejim_post map it didn't help either.

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For lifts I've started using func_door instaed of func_plat because that's all a door does; goes up, then comes down again (when it's set to move "up" of course), whereas the func_plat waits at the top for you get off it before it returns which is no good if I want to get back down again!


If you use func_door just remember to make your lift as high as you want it to extend. Then just give it a targetname, and create a switch using trigger_multiple or func_static etc (with "player use" box ticked) targetted at the elevator.


A good sound to use is: key: soundset

value: platform


You might also want to use the wait value to determine how long you want your lift to stay in the open position, and turn down the speed a little - unless you want an extrememly fast lift!


(Sorry if you knew any of this already - I wasn't sure how much info you needed) .

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