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How many times have you beaten Racer?

Guest Garindan

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Guest Garindan

I haven't beaten it at all. I always get stuck on the Abyss level. I've developed a good strategy to win alot of races though. Always buy from the junkyard, never buy anything new since the pit droids repair all the damage. To help me out, i have the strategy guide, which shows all the parts you can buy (but not their prices) and in order of how good they are. I'll include all the maxed parts in another topic.



The Dark Side? I've been there. Do you worst. -Kyle Katarn

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Guest Redwing

I've beaten it about five times excluding Abyss which I always cheat to win. That level is TERRIBLY designed. I always buy pit droids first, and rarely have repair problems. I pay no attention to upgrades like brakes that I never use. I'd say Bullseye, Quadinaros and Neva Kee are the best racers.



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Guest Garindan

i figured out how to earn money. Buy from junkyard, get the part repaired, trade it in for the same part at junkyard to get more money.

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