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Ideas for expansion, or maybe a very complex mod...

Dough with Fish

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While I know this game was just released, I was thinking what does everyones ideas are about a possible expansion pack, or maybe even a very complex and kick-ass mod...


Heres mine; It is about 20 years after JK2, and the backdrop for it is the middle of the New Jedi Order books. I think that the plot should start out when the Yuzzhan Vong order the capture and turning over of all the Jedi, and they'll spare what is left of the NR. While the NR dosen't officially support this, they don't do much to stop it. In response of this, a majority of the Jedi go into hiding, only coming out when they are called upon. There are still a few Jedi that are running about, causing all sorts of crap for the Vong, and smuggling Jedi across the capture points set up by people looking to turn them over and make a pretty credit.


So, what I think is that Kyle should be either be a part of the groups of Jedi goong out and causing havoc for the Vong, helping get Jedi off various planets that are under attack by Vong forces, or even fighting on the front lines with NR troops.


So, come on, what do you all think?

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