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Suggestions for improving multiplayer: ?


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Here are my suggestions to improve the multiplayer, please add yours and your opinion.


1) Allow scripting to be turned off, though still letting bind keys and talk commands


2) Cause the backstab style attack to make the attacker defenseless for a second after doing the move


3) Attacking someone from behind should usually hit


4) On weapon servers saber damage of all stances "standard" swings is increased a bit to make them more viable


5) Make a Dismemberment option on the server setup screen that works


6) Make neutral stance attacks hit for slightly more.


What do you think of these and please add any other sensible changes you think would benefit the game as a whole.




Jedi Master Hivetyrant

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Originally posted by Hivetyrant

Here are my suggestions to improve the multiplayer, please add yours and your opinion.


1) Allow scripting to be turned off, though still letting bind keys and talk commands


2) Cause the backstab style attack to make the attacker defenseless for a second after doing the move


3) Attacking someone from behind should usually hit


4) On weapon servers saber damage of all stances "standard" swings is increased a bit to make them more viable


5) Make a Dismemberment option on the server setup screen that works


6) Make neutral stance attacks hit for slightly more.


What do you think of these and please add any other sensible changes you think would benefit the game as a whole.




Jedi Master Hivetyrant


I think those are all good ideas, expecially #3. If you manage to go trought all the work of putting you hit one sombody's back you should be rewarded somehow. Besides, parry a hit coming from the back ins't very realistic (not to say the game should be relistic, still...).


#2 is pretty cool as well, but albiet this would reward skilled players in duel mode, i still think it needs more tweaking for open games, where there are so many people fighting in groups all they need to do is 'stab' their way in and kill a couple of people.


Your suggestion may turn such a movie into suicide, but as long as they can do 1 or 2 instant frags it doesn't make much of a difference.


#1 is a must too, scrypting can be very annoying sometime.

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