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Saber Hilts


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I'm just surprised no one has taken the time to make some skin/models of some of the classic saber hilts.


Some that come to mind are:



Luke's (IV and VI)


Obi-Wan's (I, II, IV)




Maul's (with only one blade)


and the one I most want to see someone make, is Count Dooku's saber handle which is uber cool.


Beyond that, I'm surprised no one has designed their own saber hilts.


I'd really like to see them. Saber mods are the coolest.

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it did look a lot like the phaser... i dunno man.. best saber mod i've seen yet has to be that loopsaber mod over in the files section. it's really slick... and will be even more so once the source code gets released and they can do dual blades on it.

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