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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest Darth Crater

Well, I feel a little sheepish right now, but I have something to tell you all.


*drumroll please*


I am a girl. Yes, Darth Crater is a female Sith lord. When I first started on the forums, I didn't even think about saying whether I was a guy or a girl, and then I noticed some people referring to me as "he". I thought, what the heck, I'll let them. It's no big deal if they think I'm a guy. But, after a while, I just decided it would be cool for Trinity and the other racer gals to know, so there it is.


Sorry if I shocked anyone. wink.gif

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Guest nbeaver





is that what I'm supposed to say? smile.gif





beavers rule!

so does Trinit Y2K (hehe)



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Guest roguetwo

<marquee> Wow, I'm shocked! </marquee>



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest TrinitY2K

Wow. I had no idea!


That's so cool! I always assume everyone's a guy (why is that?) unless they say otherwise. I'm really glad you told us, Crater. I tend to be a flirt and that would have been really embarrassing...



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Guest RogueOne


I'm a guy! (DA!) Now I will shutup.

Doesn't that make everyone so happy?



Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest theahnfahn

I've known for a few weeks, if it has been that long. She told me after we raced on heat. If you all were surprised with that, then wait till she tells you the rest. She may want to keep it a secret so I won't say anything. Surprised me $$$$less when she told me the other secret. I've got an idea Crater. Let's see if they can figure it out from our past posts. If not, then lets slowly feed them hints.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest lightbulba

that's an interesting fact, but i can't really say i ever cared.





[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 24, 1999).]

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Well, it's an interesting challenge.... but I don't have the time or patience or deductive intelligence to figure it out. So I'll make a wild guess. You're Natalie Portman!

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Guest Darth Crater

Wow, Haathi guessed it already. See, this proves it.




The AhnFahn is actually my twin sister, but she has been passing herself off as me on the forum. wink.gif

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Guest RogueOne

This is wierd. Almost every girl i've met online says she's Natalie Portman. This is giving me a headache. I hope one of them really is Natalie Portman.



Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest theahnfahn

They are never going to get it. This is really fun.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest roguetwo

That's pitiful, I'm George Lucas. So are you sure you want to do episodes 2 and 3 Natalie? Do you want to do a cameo Carrie, how bout as Natalie's sister. Or should we put TheAhnFahn into a costume as Sebulba returned. Remember he didn't die in Ep. 1. Do you guys wanna hear some spoilers, you can send the e-cash to roguetwo@lightspeed.net. I always loved the character Wedge Antilles. He's da bomb. I don't usually talk like this but I got into the Racer spirit. Episode 2 is called The History of Banthas, Dewbacks, and Rontos. Lightbulba has enspired me with "who is your favorite beast of burden". It is a documentary featuring a in depth look at bantha pudu.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest TrinitY2K

Alright, I can't take it anymore... living with this secret is hell. I have to tell you all or I'll just burst...


I'm really a man. Yep, the name's Ewan McGregor. Sorry, no autographs please!

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Guest roguetwo

Were you okay with having that braid and all. You know it made you look kinda girly. Hehe.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest lightbulba

at least we only represent the two major genders.





[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 24, 1999).]

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Guest roguetwo

yes, yes, good point. will you act as yourself in Episode 2. You could be a Ronto salesman. Get two rontos for the price of one. Man am I a genius. Heck, I created Star Wars OF COURSE I'M A GENIUS!! biggrin.gif



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings. smile.gif





[This message has been edited by roguetwo (edited October 24, 1999).]

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Guest RogueOne

And i'm an alien spying on earthlings in an effort to decifery something(I forgot), so we can invade earth and destroy all humans!





Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.






[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited October 24, 1999).]

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Guest roguetwo

Oh no! Everybody hide! Please don't hurt us Rogueone! Please! I want to make another movie, two more actually. then i'm gonna retire. AHHHHHHH!



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings. smile.gif





[This message has been edited by roguetwo (edited October 24, 1999).]

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