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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest RogueOne





Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest RogueOne

I will let you make the movies then humanity will die!! (after "I" see the movies, of course)!



Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest roguetwo

I just recieved an e-mail from Swedish Jedi, he played Captain Panaka in Episode 1. Ya know I am basing Episode 3 about him. It's gonna be Episode 3: The Adventures of Captain Panaka and the Naboo Security Force.




E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest RogueOne

I think I'm gonna puke!!!!!




Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest theahnfahn

Congrats Crater, this must be the most-posted topic ever.


And to end rogueone's suffering, I will go ahead and tell the truth. I am not Natalie Portman. Big surprise. But what I do have to say may surprise some. I am the almighty creator himself (God, if it pleases you). I know all and see all. I would post a picture of myself, but I don't have a scanner. I'll keep you all informed about the whole armagedon thing (hint: it's gonna be on a Wednesday). Well, enjoy yourselves smile.gif


P.S. Next one who beats me on heat gets cancer.



God, I know your busy, seeing how you can watch women changing and all...-Homer Simpson



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest roguetwo

I wouldn't joke about that if I were you, you might get flamed by us Christians. How bout you start up The religous discussion. You can post that you are god there.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest roguetwo

You are right about one thing though, this is probably the fastest growing topic ever on JediKnight.net, congrats Crater. Just look at the times of these posts.


(BTW, I thought you only had time to post a "couple" short messages biggrin.gif)



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest RogueOne

I'm still an alien coming to destroy Earth!






Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest RogueOne

Congrats Dath Crater for haveing a most interesting topic!

(*cheering and claping*)



Ena Chu Fo Mase Wermo!- Some idiot.





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Guest roguetwo

Its getting old now Rogueone. No when to stop, its a good skill in life. smile.gif



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest psyduck78

<Marquee> WOW!!!!!! 36 posts in almost a day!

Wow!! i'm surprised ur a girl crater! smile.gif </Marquee>


<Marquee> This is cool biggrin.gif





Congrats, Crater!!!</Marquee>


[This message has been edited by psyduck78 (edited October 24, 1999).]

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Guest Darth Crater

Oh my gosh! I get back from symphony rehearsal 2 and a half hours later, and there's like 36 posts. I wouldn't have imagined it, considering this only the 2nd thread I have started. Luminous Being, Haathi? I like it. Hehe, AhnFahn, we'll hve them all going for weeks on this one. wink.gif

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Guest RogueOne




I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader



[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited October 25, 1999).]


[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited October 25, 1999).]


[This message has been edited by RogueOne (edited October 25, 1999).]

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Guest Swedish Jedi

Well, I gotta get my two cents worth in on THIS one. First, I've got to set Rogue Two straight on one thing: Captain Panaka may be many things, but a being of Swedish ancestry is a bit of a stretch.


As to Darth Crater's gender, I am pleased to hear that the mix of our little community has another woman, but there is something a little disturbing in her feeling that (a) she felt she ought to suppress the news, and (b) that she then thought it newsworthy to spread the news. Please understand that I am not criticizing her on any account; rather, just a tad sad that there might be some legitimate basis for her feelings. I'm also a bit embarassed to think that one of my first thoughts upon seeing the post was: "Gee, what kind of language did I use when I first raced her?"


What does not surprise me is that, having raced her, she IS a woman, as it's always been a bit of a mystery that women -- with their presumed potential for fine motor skills with their smaller extremities -- don't wipe up the floor with us on a regular basis. I've always just assumed that it is their eminently greater common sense that keeps them from wasting as much time at is as some of us.


But, all in all, we are all a bit better for having our preconceptions deflated, and presumably we will give every new adversary the benefit of the doubt.


SO, dammitall, what IS the second secret?





The fastest podracer south of Goteborg!




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On a board like this, it sometimes seems that being a woman IS newsworthy. And, on a board like this or in a chat, it's danged difficult to tell. wink.gif

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Guest roguetwo

Ahem... Hugh, shhh!!!!!!!! That's enough Quarshie!!



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest TrinitY2K

It may be sad, but it's true. People treat you differently when they think you're a guy. I've had experience with this in other forums. One thing I've noticed is that they're less likely to flame you if they know you're a gal. The best arguments/discussions I've had on message boards are the ones where the other person thought I was a guy.

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Guest theahnfahn

If anybody wants a hint on Crater's second secret, then let me give you one. It won't give anything away, but might spice up the search. Here it is:


There is at least one other person, besides Crater and me, who knows the secret.


Whoever the mystery poster(s) is/are, don't give your identity up yet. Just thought you all would find it interesting to know that there is a huge conspiracy going on here. Start the searches. Soon we may start pointing you to past posts for leads.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest lightbulba

oh, thank you trinity, i was just about to forget it.





[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 25, 1999).]

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Guest TrinitY2K

Okay. I'm game...but Crater's second secret better be a good one! Here's what I know:


1. plays Racer on Heat

2. lives in California

3. speaks French

4. plays in a symphony

5. claims to be busy a lot

6. great sense of humor

7. has excellent spelling skills

8. has a little brother

9. high school or college student

10. goes to Christian youth group

11. loves theological debates

12. not good with song lyrics

13. saw TPM four times

14. has been to Disneyland




[This message has been edited by TrinitY2K (edited October 25, 1999).]

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Guest theahnfahn

Dang Trinity, you should definitely be the first to figure it out, if you haven't already. From those facts listed above you should be able to guess it pretty easily. Try making some wild guesses, maybe you'll get it. If you do know for sure then don't tell. Email me or Crater and tell us what you think. If your right then we will see if the rest of the forum figures it out.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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