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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest Darth Crater

You know what's scary? Getting onto the forums and seeing the story of your life! Fantastic detective work, Trinity, but it doesn't seem to be getting you anywhere.


What Swede said is true--no matter how much we try to help, we always entertain certain predujices about guys and girls that we can't entirely do away with. I didn't feel embarassed about being a girl, I just didn't deem it necessary to say anything about it until a couple days ago.


Oh well, gotta run. You guys (and gals smile.gif) will get the other secret eventually.

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OK, here's my wild guess.


You actually grew up in Maine and moved to California after your family's home was destroyed by a large radioactive lobster named "Ted". Traumatized by this disaster, you decided to learn French in order to be able to correctly translate the French lobster recipies you found one day in your trombone case. After your trip to Disneyland, you were a drag racer and perfected your skills to champion level, only to be disqualified at the final tournement on account of your gender. You have since enveloped yourself in a full and active life. That is, until you came here and started getting sucked into the inexorable clutches of the Internet. The End.

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Guest theahnfahn

You got it, except the lobster's name was TheAhnFahn. That is how I got mixed up in this whole thing. Crater emailed me that there was a giant lobster that went by the name of TheAhnFahn, and we had to see if you all would guess. Good detective work Haathi.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Darth Crater

ROFL for a long time!!!!!!!!!!! I almost choked on my stewed tomatoes and zucchini over that one!


Well, Haathi, that was ONE of my many secrets, but there is another, BETTER one! (AhnFahn, I'm coming after you with a fishing net one of these days!)


If you want a thread that might lead you to the secret, take a close look at the Scheduling Forum. wink.gif


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Guest roguetwo

Here's everything I know about TheAhnFahn:

1. plays Racer on Heat

2. lives in Austin Texas

3. speaks English and a little spanish

4. doesn't listen to music or plays it

5. claims to be busy a lot (heck, he's in college)

6. great sense of humor

7. has excellent spelling skills (sorta )

8. has two little brothers

9. college student

10. athiest

11. loves theological debates

12. is good at Racer

13. is REALLY GOOD at Racer

14. has been to church

15. has a 64 with 3 controllers

16. takes Vector Calculus, Computer Programming, Philosophy, Arts, Sandbox 101 , some other courses

17. gets freaked out by his brother walking in the room (He must look like his icon )

18. doesn't usually cuss

19. he figures out the STRANGEST shortcuts

20. lastly, he is a lobster, a fast one at that

There we go.





E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest roguetwo

You can do it AhnFahn, only two more posts, come on come on, work. Its working its working. Ok sorry, quoting everybodys favorite little brat. (well some people think hes a brat. I don't think so.) Two more posts. I will lead the forums in a song.

Go, Go, GO.

Only two more.

Do it with Guo.

Goooo, goooooo.


Post my friend, post, post,post.

Do it or you're gonna roast.

(ok,ok that line was stupid)

*climatic ending* (I know how you say that)

Goooooo, goooooooooooo. AhnFahnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Youre gonna make it.

Youre gonna make it.

Youre gonna make it.

Youre gonna make it.

Youre gonna makeeeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttt.

*drum solo*

Come on AhnFahn *slow down* only two morrre.


*applause, cheering.*



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest theahnfahn

Dang, my life story. I don't remember posting half of that info. Let me clarify on some of the stuff:

1)I wouldn't classify myself as an atheist in the general sense. I don't believe that the existence of God can be proven. That still leaves the possibility of a God(s) open. What I don't believe in is organized religion. In my opinion it was formed by culture. Most religious individuals keep the faith that was first presented to them. From there they attempt to prove that their faith is the true faith. But what if they were born under a different faith? I would put down odds that they would be arguing for the other faith. I won't go into much more detail on this at the moment.

2)I am busy. This is due to many factors, mainly my job and college. Roguetwo already knows this, but I work at a local convenient store. Don't jump to any conclusions. I'm not the stupid guy who sacks your groceries. I do the finances for the store. I am a number cruncher, if you will.

3)I have an ATARI, NES, SNES, SEGA, SEGA GAMEGEAR, 233 mhz PII, 500 mhz PIII, and of course a N64 with 3 controllers. Excluding the ATARI and SEGA systems I purchased the rest with my hard earned money.

4)My main interest in life is the search for knowledge. Sounds corny, huh. I love mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, philosophy, and many other sciences. I am good at writing, which comes in handy for papers. I took AP exams in the following courses:

American History, Chemistry, English III, English IV, Physics II, and Calculus BC.

I always challenge myself in my academics.

5)I like racer. Huge surprise! I think it interests me because I enjoy improvement. Beating one of my times by a few seconds is for some reason fun. It is kind of like visual evidence of my improvement in hand-eye coordination. After playing racer I was able to break all of my past times in Mario Kart for the 64.


That is enough of me for now. Hope I didn't scare anybody off. And my little brothers are cute, not hideous beasts like roguetwo would have you believe. I was startled on heat when my brother burst into my room, and roguetwo thought it was because he was ugly. Both of my brothers have red hair like my mom, but mine is blond/turning brown.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest RogueOne

Here's a song straight from the heart(not meant to be mean, just funny):

I did it all for the Nookie, the Nookie.

So you can take that cookie, the cookie, and stick it up your @**, and stick it up your @**!

I heard it from one of my friends. Funny!



I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader




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Guest theahnfahn

Trinity is getting warm, but may be overlooking the obvious. I am beginning to think she already knows, and just wants to toy with us. In any case, everybody needs to start taking some guesses. All the facts have been uncovered, they just need to be pieced together.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Darth Crater

I don't THINK that Trinity has it, but I could be wrong. It doesn't have anything to do with free movie passes, unless I've forgotten something.


And I don't think that Carrie Fisher is a high school or college student, Haathi. smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Darth Crater (edited October 26, 1999).]

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Guest Swedish Jedi

Let's see here. I don't have an answer to the mystery and am one of those people who doesn't even try to figure out 'whodunnit' when I read or watch a movie. But, knowing how clever Theahnfahn is, I figure he picked his hints carefully: beyond the clues Trinity2K gave (good research T!), the hints are that (1) someone else here knows who she is, (2) we should make guesses, however wild, and (3) although he was first convinced that no one would get it, he now says that after Trinity's post with the list of known facts that we should be able to get it (although Darth C herself isn't so sanguine about it). She also says that the clue 'free movie passes' (where was that from?) is a red herring.


Okay, the hint that someone else knows who she is must be that she either is or is related to someone else who has posted here. To be a great secret, it would have to be someone with a completely different character than she displays here and on Heat. Could she be (or be related to) Mars Guo? One of those other whining sh*ts who thankfully went off to destroy some other board and whose names I am grateful to say my memory has suppressed? Couldn't be the same person: I'd say she would have to be a sister or cousin of one of them. BUT, that wouldn't seem to relate to Trinity2K's clues. I don't recall any of them saying "I have a sister who plays the flugelhorn" or anything like that."


Let's look at those clues. The only thing remarkable/unique about her in there is the symphony participation. But, it's not like she could be a world famous violinist that we would have heard of at this stage.


Hmmm.... She's been to Disneyland. Could she be a world famous athlete who went there after winning some championship or gold medal? A member of the US Women's Gymnastics Team? Kerri Strug? Nah, she doesn't sound short. The US Women's Hockey Team? (A hockey player who plays the violin? I don't think so.)


Nah.... I'm leading you all astray. I think I got it. One clue is above. Other clues are in the profiles. Also, a clue is from the old mystery concept: the dog that did not bark. Think about it....





The fastest podracer south of Goteborg!



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Guest theahnfahn

Look at my various dialogues with Crater. They nearly give it away. And I said at least 1 other person knows this secret who is here at the forum. It couldn't be Mars Guo because he left a long time ago. I'll make it easier for you and say that exactly four people at this forum know the secret. Me, Crater, and two other mystery people. One of them should not be hard to figure out, but the other is a rare poster who probably no-one knows. If that doesn't give it away then I give up. Swede and Trinity are getting closer to it every day, so lets see who the champion detective will be.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Darth Crater

When Swede refers to the dog that did not bark, he is talking about the old Sherlock Holmes method.


"'Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?'

'To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.'

'The dog did nothing in the night-time.'

'That was the curious incident,' remarked Sherlock Holmes."


You guys, Swede's got it figured out. Pay close attention to what he said.

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Guest theahnfahn

Yeah, Swede has it. But Swede, who do you think the other person is that knows Crater's secret? I am willing to bet you have no clue.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Swedish Jedi

You win the bet, TheAhnFahn. I have no clue. I got the big Secret; I think we should let Trinity2K work on the other one. She did the heavy lifting on the first one. I think we'll need more of a clue to get going on that new mystery anyway.



The fastest podracer south of Goteborg!



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Guest psyduck78

ok, i'm completely lost, this is totally not obvious to me. my head is spinning, i don't know who does waht and waht is waht. dis a mashugena, argh!!! frown.gif

somebody want to let it out

i'm just slow at these things, it took me like 3 months to figure out that my friend was a cheerleader redface.gif

i just suck at deducing logical things like this.

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Guest theahnfahn

Ok psyduck, page 4 of the scheduling forum. That is all I am gonna say.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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