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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest theahnfahn

You must be home roguetwo. I have school from 4:30-6:30, but any other time we can play on heat. Just post a time and lets do it smile.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest roguetwo

Yeah, I'm home sick from school, So how about from, wait a sec do you mean you have school from 4:30 to someodd time the forum clock? Please hurry and post.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest lightbulba

i feel so special...



this is a story/of a lovely lady...



[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 29, 1999).]

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Guest RogueOne

I RULE! It's true I really am TheAhnFahn's boss. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Oh yeah, about that raise: NO WAY!

The company spends way too much already on you! Isn't it enough that you get $9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 a year?

Man all I get is a measily $9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 a year!

GEES!! Some people just never quit!

Oh yeah guees what everyone!

I'M MARRYING NATALIE PORTMAN!! This is the happiest day of my life smile.gif!








I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader




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Guest roguetwo



Don't get cocky kid!- Han Solo



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest Lt Cracken



So, what do I win!?!?!



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest roguetwo

WHAT did you win? And what do you tink you are getting? Are you feeling all right?



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest Darth Crater

OK, wait a second. If we're all related to each other on this forum like the AhnFahn says, then why is everyone trying to guess the secret? I mean, aren't we all in on it? Also, why don't we stop posting messages to each other when we live in the same house and just talk to each other? It seems pretty inefficient to me. wink.gif

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Guest Lt Cracken

oh...... crap. I lost.



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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I'm not revealing the secret out of respect to my employers, but, since you insist.... You are actually Mrs. Rochester, the mad wife from Jane Eyre who burned down her house. Everyone though you were dead, but you secretly escaped and married the unsuspecting AhnFahn. Of course, both your kids are insane (as the live in maid, I can attest to this is court). I'm also not saying this face to face with you because, frankly, you scare the living Force out of me. I'm tempted to hand in my notice, but there isn't much call for maids who like podracing.... ;-P

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Guest Lt Cracken

well, I didn't guess right? did I?




Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest Darth Crater

Ohhh, I know what you're talking about, Cracken. Yeah, you were wrong. Keep trying, though.

It's interesting you should bring up Jane Eyre; I read that book over the summer. Great book, but I don't like being identified with that crazy wild-eyed woman!

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Well.... maybe AhnFahn is Mrs. Rochester then.

(To all reading this - I'm just kidding, of course. Darth Crater and TheAhnFahn are really great people to know. They pay me VERY well and I couldn't ask to work for a nicer family.)

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Guest theahnfahn

Shut up and go make my dinner. You are not getting your green-card unless you show some serious respect smile.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Darth Crater

AhnFahn, I'm sorry, but this really isn't working out. You can't yell at the maid like that. I'm afraid I'm filing for divorce. You can keep Roguetwo.

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My... green card? *races towards the kitchen* Oh, for shame, that I should starve my noble employer in such a way! Oh, rather I should have my nails plucked out than the honorable AhnFahn should suffer one pang of hunger! *grovels shamelessly*

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Guest theahnfahn

Don't make me get my belt boy. I'll take you back to the shed and show you what that kind of disrespect deserves. Oh, I forgot to tell you that you were an accident! If it wasn't for this dang legal system I would have strangled you with your umbilical cord!



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest roguetwo

*all embarressed*

Uhh.. Dad, ahem... THey don't do that anymore that is from the wrong decade. Besides whaddya mean by accident, (I live a sheltered life).



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest RogueOne

(I'm your boss, remember?)

Oh yeah AhnFahn, YOUR FIRED!!

There now that wasn't so bad now was it.

And one more thing, YOUR FIRED AGAIN!

Now I get all your money!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif




I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader




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Guest roguetwo

Serves you right dad for threatening me! (BTW, check out the other thread called look at this)

Hey Rogueone are you good at trivia?



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest TrinitY2K

Roguetwo, what Dad's trying to say is that he and Mom didn't plan on having any more kids. But then, one romantic evening... let's just say, you were a big surprise!


Speaking of big surprises, Mom, Dad... I have something to tell you...


I'm pregnant. And Lightbulba is the father!


(and the plot thickens... wink.gif )



***On a freakier note, look at how many posts I have***






[This message has been edited by TrinitY2K (edited October 30, 1999).]

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