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The Announcement

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest lightbulba

i must be missing something important...





[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 30, 1999).]

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Guest Cy Yunga



(Realizes that he shouldn't have looked at this topic in the first place and is so confused that he decides not to say anything)

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Guest roguetwo

Yeah, I know Trinity, it was a joke.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest roguetwo

Hey, I still haven't figured out the secret yet and you guys aren't giving out more clues! Could someone please help me, maybe emailing me some clues! Please. Lets keep this thing going.



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest roguetwo

I just realized I have over 300 posts! Yay for me! (OH, by the way, this is really getting out of hand. Maybe we should just go back to being ourselves. Besides, if we all know each other, why would we be posting on this forum, we could just talk to each other at home.*lightbulb turns on* I'm a genius!)



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest lightbulba

whoa, man. you don't turn me on at all.





[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 30, 1999).]

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Guest roguetwo

Lightbulba~ That was "lightbulb" not lightbulba biggrin.gif. Anyway, so lightbulba do you have the N64 version of Racer?



E na fon duse sta!

- Mars Guo

Of course these are all phonetic spellings.:)




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Guest lightbulba

that's like asking if i have a cd when i don't even have a cd player.



...and on furhter note, i do have a cd player.



[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited October 30, 1999).]

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Guest Darth Crater

I just noticed that if this topic gets seven more posts, it will become the most replied-to topic on this forum! And it's only one of two that I started!!! biggrin.gif Let's see if we can post just a few more pointless things! (Or, those of you that don't know can try working on that secret. But those of you who don't know probably don't care!)

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"Now this is the Law of the Jungle -- as old and as true as the sky;

And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back --

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."

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Guest Lt Cracken






Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest Darth Crater

Wow, Haathi, now that was...umm...random!


Did everyone hear Cracken? Don't tell him the secret if you want to race him! Not knowing makes him race crooked!

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Guest Lt Cracken

But I can't even use the &*^$ HEAT!! (for Racer... frown.gif)



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest Lt Cracken

YEAH!! WHOO HO!! whatdoIwin?!?!

(tell....me...secret.... RRR!!!!)



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest psyduck78


<Marquee>I GOT IT!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!</Marquee>




why didn't i get it earlier?!?!?!?!

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Guest Darth Crater

Wow, Cracken's so desperate he's shouting at us! What do you think, AhnFahn? Should I email Lt. Cracken with the secret, or should we make him suffer for lack of knowledge?


HeeHeeHee! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Darth Crater (edited October 31, 1999).]

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"What, shall we live in darkness?

Or shall we command the sun to rise

And bestow upon us once more its

Radiant light? Nay, for ignorance, the

Very soul of darkness, must be banished."

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Guest Darth Crater

Haathi, you're so good at busting out with the philosophy. I assume you're wondering about the secret, too, if you don't know it already. Okay, tomorrow afternoon, I will reveal it on this thread, so if anyone still wants to figure it out on their own, they better get to it!

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Guest theahnfahn

Don't tell just yet Crater. I want to have a few more guesses before you give it away. Oh wait, I forgot I was the second to know about the secret. Let's just go ahead and get it over with.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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