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Guest Darth Crater

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Guest RogueOne

<marquee>TELL ME PLEASE!!!







I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader




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Guest RogueOne

<marquee>I'M REALLY DESPERATE!!!!!

TELL ME!!!!</marquee>



I find your lack of pants disturbing - Darth Vader



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Um, if I may put it a bit more eloquently?


"Is it not enough to have

O'er half the forum begging

At your feet for you to thus

Enlighten them? Oh, soften thy

Stern, unyieding heart!"

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Guest theahnfahn

I don't know why Crater hasn't come out with it yet. I would tell all of you, but it is her secret. The forum has been a lot quieter than usual. I wonder what is up?



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest lightbulba

didn't your mother ever teach you how to share?




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited November 02, 1999).]

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Guest Jat`Kidal

i`ve had a look and .................


i`m not even going to try. b`cos

firstly, i have seen.

secondly, i have read but

lastly i have not understood.....the madness

(i pray for you all)


but may i be so bold as to say that have you all asked yourselfs


when did it all go so LONG?


You cannot hide, I have felt your presence!



[This message has been edited by Jat`Kidal (edited November 02, 1999).]


[This message has been edited by Jat`Kidal (edited November 02, 1999).]

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Guest Darth Crater

I'm really sorry! Please forgive me! I'm back now! I had a violin lesson, a symphony rehearsal, and about 12 hours of homework yesterday, so I didn't even get to go near the computer.


Now, I've actually decided to keep you all in suspense for the rest of your lives, so the secret will die with me.


*angry mob comes to lynch me*


Just kidding! I will break the silence.


*drumroll please*


I have a brother who also posts on this forum. No one's probably heard of him smile.gif but he goes by the name Roguetwo. He's younger than I am, and has a lot more time for podracing, but he's the one who introduced me to these forums, and consequently to y'all. Anyway, if Rogue comes on and denies he's related to me, don't believe it. The AhnFahn knows the truth.


So that was the secret. That's it, nothing that exciting; just a little intriguing. I hope I have done my share in creating a little stir on these boards. Well, I'm suffering from a most unpleasant flu bug and probably won't be going to school tomorrow, so maybe I'll be able to check up on all the surprised responses during the day.


Now maybe you guys will be able to get some much needed sleep, since I'm sure you stayed awake all night agonizing over the secret. smile.gif

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Guest psyduck78


I was right!



Psyduck finally figured something out!(with the help of AhnFahn might I add)



lightspeed.net eh?

is that a homeserver or something?

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Guest Darth Crater

Lightspeed is our local internet provider. It's hecka fast compared to AOL, and it doesn't take 17 tries to get connected.


By the way, what he's talking about is our email addresses. Check out Rogue and mine's profile. Also, in reference to what Swede said earlier, Roguetwo is the dog that did not bark. I told him again and again to post and beg me for the answer to the secret, but, hey, siblings never listen to ya.

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Guest theahnfahn

She tells the truth. BUT, there is still one more member of this forum who is a member of their family. Gee whiz, wonder who it could be?



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.



[This message has been edited by theahnfahn (edited November 02, 1999).]

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Guest Lt Cracken

YOu, ahnfahn?



Even if you dodge this, Kakarotto,


Vegeta, DragonBall Z

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Guest Darth Crater



I mean, how could he be the second to learn the secret, if he was part of the secret. Gee whiz, guys, you need to think about this one.

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Guest roguetwo

Finally, you could've told me the secret a little sooner. I never woulda thought. Man you sure are sneaky. Probably posting while I get a snack or something. ANd yes, I gots lots and lots of free time on my handses. *in big macho (not mocha) voice* I AM NOT YOUR LITTLE BROTHER! Search your feelings, you know it to be true. OH well, gotta go, getting ready for a big three day trip. AhnFahn, lets move our race to 900 tfc. Oh sorry your sick Crater.:p

smile.gif)))))))))))))))) smile.gif



You can't beat me at podracing. You can try... but... I warned you. I am the fastest podracer on all of Malastare and Oovo IV!-


Heat Profile




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Guest Darth Crater

Yes, Rogue thinks he's being pretty funny, but the truth is he's known from the beginning that I was posting as Darth Crater. He didn't want to be identified with me, so he made me promise not to tell. He thought that if I turned out to be really bad at racer, or started posting stupid stuff, I would give him a bad name.


Hmmm, maybe now that he's gone on this trip, I should tell you guys what he's really like. No, I'll be nice and keep my mouth shut.

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Guest Darth Crater

Here's a clue as to Rogue's hair color. Our family's got some Irish blood in it. That's all I can tell you, at least until he gets back.

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Guest theahnfahn

He he he he he. Is this what you look like Crater?




And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn.


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Guest Darth Crater

A very interesting problem that sometimes occured when I would post right after Rogue, or vice versa, is that we would forget to change the username and password. So I would post something, and it would be under Rogue's name, and then I would realize it and scramble to delete it. Fortunately, I don't think anybody ever noticed that, but if any of you ever thought you saw my name changed to Rogue's, or vice versa, that is why.

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