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Requesting an md3 (Han in carbonite)


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I am in need of an md3 format model of Han Solo in carbonite for a map in currently working on

I have tried converting a 3ds format but it doesnt work, probably the converting proggy i used

any help would be grateful and names will be included in the credits ;).



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i have a 3ds model of this as well and have been trying to convert it as well as other 3ds models to md3. the problem is that every md3 exporter exports with quake3s path structure. if you haven't noticed, for the map_objects model folder, the path actually ends up being mapobjects in q3. kinda screws things up a bit. plus obviously, every md3 exporter looks for quake 3 in the first place. i could reexport the md3 with the correct paths if milkshape would actually load the model (it crashes every time). although i haven't tried han yet, i might go do that now... i'll let ya know.



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To stop that walking through models thing place a block around the model (about the same size as it) and then texture the block with the "clip" texture


The clip texture can be found under the "system" textures



Hope this helps:D

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Try loading the Kejim_post example map.

You should see an example of the shuttle with the clip texture on it at the beggining.


But if you wanted to do it perfectly with all the edges exact then it probebly will take ages:D

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