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Walwi Makno

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And the racers are getting ready!

<embed src="http://www.freshmidis.com/midis/star_wars_-_episode_i_-_the_flag_parade.mid" volume="50" controls="console">





[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 07, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

You don't start a new topic every time you want to say something new, i. e. Hi, Crater, has evolved from greeting Darth Crater to people changing their names to Darth. biggrin.gif



-My Personal Alter-Ego-

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Guest Chief-to-be-Darth BBJ

Well... "My alter-ego" where have I heard that before? Oh wait you stole it! Why I outta!!!!! Watch yerself igu I'm gonna get yoooooouuuuuuu



smile.gifA personal threat from the Wise Chief of Darth BBJ smile.gif



I am the Chief! The King of the Cosmos! El presidente! El Numero Uno! Etc. Etc. but you may call me "Honey"

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Guest Commander 598

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Commander 5-98

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Guest Commander 598

HAHA Why am I laughing?



The Battle Droid Commander With full Inteligence-Commander 5-98

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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

It's my PERSONAL alter-ego, BBJ, not my alter-ego biggrin.gif. Besides, when did you use the alter-ego thing? I thought your signature was the cliff and BBJ thing.:p

Why ARE you laughing commander598?

Oh yeah, and its not igu, people, I prefer either iguacu (my dog's name biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif) or ig.



-My Personal Alter-Ego-

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Guest Commander 598

System malfunction?



The Battle Droid Commander With full Inteligence-Commander 5-98

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Guest Qui-Wan Kenn

how did u do that music



this has been another post by: Qui-Wan Kenn

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Grr, "embed" functions.. ; P


has evolved from greeting Darth Crater to people changing their names to Darth.


Just what are you insinuating?




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited May 07, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

Insinuating? No, just lightbulba, iguacu3948 biggrin.gif, wizzywig, and BBJ(sort of) changed their names to darth.

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Guest Chief-to-be-Darth BBJ

"Sort of" eh? Am i niether here nor there? I can't be in the middle? The nerve of some people! Again.... "Why i outta!"



smile.gif ANOTHER personal threat from BBJ you better watch yerself IGU Hahaha I said it I've done it MUAHAHAHA He's mad now I can sense it with my dark side powers smile.gif



I am the Chief! The King of the Cosmos! El presidente! El Numero Uno! Etc. Etc. but you may call me "Honey"

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Guest echobase_69

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe it's:

"Why I oughta!" an abbreviation of "Why I ought to!"



THE MOOG COOKBOOK contains versions of alternative hits performed on Moog synthesizers.

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Guest Darth Hile Tr0y

Hey, I did too! And so did lightbulba!

Just a thought,

Darth Hile Tr0y



Mwa ha ha ha ha! I'm DARTH Hile Tr0y!

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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

Ok, great rolleyes.gif, anyway, whats this Chief-to-be-darth BBJ business, the first message posted had at the end

cool.gifWise words from the no-so-darthy BBJ:cool
. Anyway, you do not do a very good job conveying emotions. Try using more smilies. It is hard to tell from your messages if you are joking or genuinely mad. Which is it? I mean, I have a guess but without smiles it is hard to determine what someone is trying to say.



-My Personal Alter-Ego-

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