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Light Beam


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Well, over the last two days I've completed reading the shaders manual... It is my understanding to have a texture with transparencies, as you are trying to do with the beam effect, you need to use an alpha channel to define which parts are faded out and which parts you see. JPG's are not able to have alpha channel. I believe this may be where you problem lies. You need to save it as a 32bit TGA with an alpha channel. Hope this helps.

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No, jpegs can be used for beams. The only time you need an alpha channel is when you are overlaying two textures, one needs to know which parts need masking.


With the .jpg over .tga thing - when pointing to a file, the engine will always search for a .tga first, and if it can't find one, it will look for a .jpg. If you place a file attribute on the end of the file name it will look for:





So unless your file name is infact 'texture.jpg' it will not find it.

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