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darth maul lightsaber(no not the code)


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The differences, DocUK, would be the following (at least these, if done properly):


There has to be a new model & textures for the saber. That's no biggie, I guess.


There needs to be new animations. That's the hard thing about this, I guess: so far, no new animations have been created (at least I don't know any).


I guess it requires programming too. If I'm wrong, just shoot me. See if I care.


/THEDESTROYER is the same saber as before, there's only an extra blade at the other end.


I'd really like to see something like Saber Battle X created for Jedi Outcast. Even though I know nothing of editing, I can tell you this: a good mod that allows us to use a saber like Darth Maul had is at the end of long, rocky road. A road of animating, modeling, tweaking, tweaking some more, sinking into despair and starting all over again.

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Originally posted by DocUK

Whats the difference :confused:


The difference is that the /THEDESTROYER code is just the same lightsaber you have as when you are using the lightsaber with 1 blade the code just puts a blade on the bottom of the saber, it doesn't change the saber handle.


T-Dogg posted faster, you bad dogg! (No offense meant)

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you need to re-animate the models then, because if you just use /thedestroyer then alot of the time you see your double lightsaber chopping you in have.

i would say the model would be jumping and spinning around alot so as not to hit itself.

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I realise that if you wanted a lightstaff (with both blades used, just one blade could be done with the default saber anims) you would have to reanimate, yes, but I mean to just have it look like mauls lightstaff, if you had the proper model and used /thedestroyer it would look just like it.

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Saber handle and textrures can be made no problem. But as i said when i released my saber handle (if you don't have it shame on you, you aren't boosting my ego like you should ~ loopsaber)

in order to get the blade to work properly you would need new coding, otherwise, the blade will start halfway inside the hilt of the saber and look messed up due to its length. The second blade from the code, is coded, accordinhg to Gummelt at Raven 's best guess (said he wasn't exactly sure) the second blade starts one 'saberlength' away from the starting point of the other. Meaning that distance. Not starting from the bottom of the model. As for the animations being messed up...well that requires softimage to change i believe and most people don't have it...and someone i know who did said it was complicated to figure out... As for the model with one blade... I could do that in an hour or less maybe...but i don't want to. Plus i am not too great at skinning.

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