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new mod idea


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Well first of all I want to say a couple of things?

1)I like outcast but

Its like they put no effort in to keep it to star wars and are hoping for people to completely edit the game and make it cooler

2) The game is still stuck in the middle between that the phantom menace game and Jedi power battles

I personally fell they should have added more special moves like Jedi power battles

3) i am not really bothered but is it me or do all people who know how to play the game just do force pull then back stab ?

4) The game is totally cool but the light side seem a bit weak next to dark side well that’s what I think and I play as light

Well now my moaning is out the way let me get to my point

Can someone make a mod just the same as sabre battle x 3.1 for dark force Jedi knight 2 that mod took sabre battles for dark forces to new highest they where great

A mod that has kind of the following;

1) More cool combos

2) Double light sabre (I personally would not use it but some people might like to)

3) Sabre battles faster but funner seems like they last for ever and it goes to the person who can get the first lucky hit most of the time?

4) Add a kewl kicks I mean KICKS like a low sweep middle kick and high kick

5) My main beef is with the stances

Blue= should be fast and have fast moving butterfly, back flips and stuff to match its style

Yellow= should be in the middle between red and blue so some flips and some rolls

Red= simply rolls and ducks and a simple jump like how count dooku fights in ep2 if you seen it

6) There should be cooler moves with the light sabre to make combat more interesting instead of people running round in circles hoping to hit something


I think outcast is a good game but with some improvements would make it a faster more action packed game


Now here are my reasons for you not to cuss me:

I am not a moaner just like to play the game with more fun and some improvements

I would like to do this myself but i don’t have a clue how to mod and would not be able to learn (im stupid)

I posted here because this is where all the good modders hang about and I know you guys could make this in a couple of mins


Hope this helps for mod idea or if you are maiking a mod and want to make it cooler!


Thanks for your time j


My e-mail and msn

Is: jj_sin_willie@hotmail.com if you want to add me to chat about outcast thanks

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Well, as for the double light saber, there is one. However, it is a cheat that can only be used in a multiplayer game with cheats turned on, so it is basicly just a botmatch weapon. Plus it sucks. I think it would be cool if you could choose from 3 different lightsabers to use. A medium length one, which is what is used now. A longer one, maybe a foot or two longer, that has great range, but swings slightly slow, plus an enemy can get inside it's range and then easily block attacks from it. The third one would be a double saber. Both blades a little shorter than the normal saber. The double saber would have different moves than the other two. It would be harder to use, and have kinda short range. However, the two blades would make it ideal for defending against multiple oponents. You would have a wider angle of defense against shots, and could quickly deflect swings from 2 oponents.


As for people just pulling and backstabbing an stuff, the answer is yes. That is just what works. For some reason the backswings are way more powerful than any forward attacks. I hate the whole idea of the three stances being based on strength vs speed. Since a lightsaber is just a handle, and the blade is a beam that weighs nothing, it is very light, and you don't have to wind up or anything to make a hard hit. I think stances should be about how far from your body you hold the saber. Read my post "How it should have been done" in the game feedback forum for more on this.


Also, I have a little idea that would be simple to do. Why not make a mutator for team games that gave jedi blue lightsabers, and sith red ones, rather than team color sabers? This way you could see whether an enemy is using the light or dark side.

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