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Death of JKII Two

{XG} Snape

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Read Death of JkII first the thread was closed or I would of added there...


What's the ansewer for for the bad patch comming out?


For those of you unhappy with the increased saber blocking in CTF and FFA modes in the 1.03 patch for Jedi Outcast, you can turn off the changes by setting the CVAR g_saberTraceSaberFirst to "0" in your server configs. Setting this to "1" = More Blocking, "0" = Less Blocking. It defaults to "1" in 1.03.


For those that don't have a Server Your just screwed because you can't set up the cofigs for servers client side.


Second one is Cash and Prize's offered to generate more buying of the game...


What Sells Game's is word of mouth and what I been hearing from players. Make's you wounder if they kiss there mother with that mouth. Because it's BAD..... A Game that is liked well let's just say Halflife with it's mods Sells for years..... Looked on game Spy for people playing game's .. There where 2,700 playing Jedi II.

Not bad but compared to halfLife with over 50,000 people playing it at that moment well you be the judge. Unreal had over Four Thousand playing it and Quake II a mere 1,700. Quake II is old school gamming.


Point is if a gamming Company will not listen to the complaints of the players Sells will deminish. Game will Die.......


I would like to Congratulate all the Server Owners that take the time and money to Set these up with no Charge to the players on a Job well done. How many servers does Lucaus Arts have up and Raven anyways... Mostly it's Self owned and Self ran servers by Gamers for Gamers. IF that server owner does not like the patch and feels the game is Lame he or she may shut down that server killing the game one server at a time.


Will Raven spend the Cash and man power to replace Servers that shut down.... MMMMMmmmm don't think so...


I know that after this patch I lost 6 servers that I used to play at.

that hosted 20 or more players. Now that's alot of bandwidth to using with little lag on the clients end. There Rare to find and loosing them is a big deal. Yes you can find lot's of severs that host 5 to 16 but a 30 player server or 25 player server is not a easy task to find which won't lag.


Point is Raven don't just say well if the players don't like the server operators can fix our mistake's. Do some homework read the complaints and sort threw them and try some BETA TESTING by GAMERS on the next patch first.


Just in dealing with this game No way I"m buying any game made by Raven since they feel the server operators should make the changes not the Game Code writers. Cash and price's are nice but a Fun playing game is what really sells.


Two Droids and Wookie for the Servers going back to the 1.02 patch. Servers are the Big voice of this debate... More and more are comming back to the 1.02a patch.. For those that did or are thinking of going back to the patch serverside instead of just shutting down a Jedi II server. I would like to say a BIG thanks for not shutting it down and thanks agian for spending the time and cash leting the public play on your Dime.



{XG} Snape

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i am praying that things will get fixed in the next patch.


i read the first thread and i agreed on a lot of the points and arguments.


i haven't the computer power to lpay anything BUT deul :lol: [deul is pretty lenient on my comp] but i noticed, since i did patch my JKII that i was losing more, and i was getting spammed, or so i thought.


this patch can't please everyone.


it also pisses people off.


can't please everyone.


*uninstalls game and reinstalls it*

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