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battle droid model shot + question


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it's possibly one of the fastest models i've ever made, so here you are, my EP1/2 trade federation battle droid. i wanted to keep the polycount somewhat low even at the highest LOD to allow for many on screen at once :)


in case you're wondering, i currently have no plans for this model as a multiplayer character; after checking out spacemonkey's tutorial, i doubt that the model would lend itself to the default skeleton well at all.


what i do want to do, and in fact was the whole impetus for making this model, is to cut those dopey droids to little pieces in a single player setting.


my question is, how would i go about compiling a model to be used a 'monster' character in jk2? i figure i'll still need to go through the same segmentation procedure and whatnot, but how do i get custom animations in?

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Hey Stop! would also be cool playing him ot it in MP/SP as a normal player ! your model is very good it it would be a shame not to play it




...on the other hand ...you can play C3p0 also in SP with other animations ...hmmm




go ahead

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i dont see why the animation would not work for this model...

you can stil lcut it up in the right places... just ad 1 extra line of polys before every cut.. and the bones would be able to fit him.. make it mp it would be sweet! cuz almost same process would be need to make it sp. so make it mp!

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the reason why it wouldn't work out so well is that battle droids have a certain range of motion inherent to their limbs. since all multi characters share the same animation, it would mean the battle droid would be moving in a very un-battle droid fashion. aside from the trouble of just the uncharacteristic motion, the robotic limbs themselves would be moving outside their range of motion which would more than likely produce some problematic artifacting.


that having been said, it's true that the process i'd have to go through to get this in the game for SP would be essentially the same for MP, so it may still be worth a shot to do it for MP. i'd almost rather do a kit fisto model, though.... and if i don't do anything, i'll be sure to release the model for others to pick up if they please.

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Actually, I think custom animations are possible. At least I managed to create a custom skeleton.



odd, try this one instead. gonna have to copy it into the address bar:



That contains a fully compiled model, along with the original max files. Just put it in a separate directory in the models directory of Jedi Knight.


That's a very quick and dirty spider and a simple walk cycle, but it gets the point across.


The way I did it was:

1)You have your base model, with bones and skinning completed. Export it as you would normally.


2)Now, take just the skeleton of the model, and in a separate file, animate it. So, you'd have one file for your walk cycle, another for your run cycle, etc...


3)Export the animation file as an .XSI. you can keep all the default settings in the export dialog box


4)In assimilate, go to "Add Files" and select the animation file.


5)Now double click the top most entry in the tree view and in the settings you should see a "Makes it's own skeleton" in the skeleton section.


6) That's it, assuming you don't get any compile errors, you should now have a model.glm, a <modelname>.gla and a other script files. You can now load it up in modview and check it out.


If I wasn't clear on anything, just let me know and I'll clarify

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