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What will be the equivalent of an ATAT in the Trade Fed and other civs??

Guest Palpatine

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Guest Palpatine

According to what I understood, though each civ has units different from another civ, they are somewhat similar. If this is true, what is the equivalent of an ATAT in the Trade Federation, Royal Naboo, Gungans, Wookies, and of course, the famous Rebellion?

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that the Juggernaught or the heavy tank (from FoCom) is the equivalant for the rebes. No idea for the others, although you can see a large dino with a huge cannon like thing on his back in one of the gungan screens, so that may be the Gungans ATAT-like unit.

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Guest xwing guy

Theres two gungan fambaas, one is the one with the big circular thing one his back and thats the sheild gen, the other fambaa is the one with the huge cannon on its back and probably is real powerful and strong and can carry troops because this class of mechs all of them can carry units.

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