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hint brushes


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would hint brushing dramatically help the framerate in my level?


iv got a big street in a city with buildings on all sides so i built a huge security wall throught the middle of the road with a huge closed gate just to speed up framerate when looking up and down the city street


it looked to me like raven did some similiar things in Bespin_streets to assist with framerate


anyway i think because the gate doesnt go all the way up to the very roof of my level (the sky) that the engine is still drawing things through the gate cause vis gets over trhe top of it (is that how it works?)


so if i could figure out how to use hint brushes to stop vis getting over the gate and drawing whats on the other side it might help wouldnt it?



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If you used func_door to make the gate, it won't block vis anyway. Entities and b-models don't block VIS. Hints? I don't really think it would help. You gotta be very experienced to use hints effeciently, especially in the (open) maps like yours. I don't have a very good idea of how you gate looks (screenshot???), but maybe you can stretch your wall to the roof like you said and then put areaportal brush inside the gate. Again, this all depends on how your map is built.

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i got an area portal inside the door so it blocks vis when shut


i think im gonna just put a fully enclosed wall above it and paint it with my sky colour so it doesnt look like the gate goes up to infinity

but i kinda wanted to be able to see the tops of buildings on the other side



oh well



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