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Extras in PC version besides mirrors?

Guest FishLips

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Guest FishLips

Hey! I just beat all tracks in the PC version and got the mirrored tracks - whoo-hoo! - more racing for me.


Anyways, I'm wondering: Does anyone know if there are any other extras in the PC game in addition to the mirrors?


Like - what happens when you beat all the mirrored tracks getting first place on each?


What if you beat all the tracks WAYYY speedy - does anything SPECIAL happen? (Similar to Diddy Kong Racing N64 - my little bro beat all the time trial tracks super fast and unlocked an additional racer - TT the talking stopwatch - don't mess, he he!)


I plan on beating all the mirrors in first anyway, but was just curious if anyone knows - Thanks for any replies.





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Guest Darth Iguacu3948

Had the game for several weeks now (it's been that long?) and I did the same thing you are trying, nothing. All mirrors in first, and I am not exactly bad at podracer, though I don't know how I compare to others. I have quite good times on all races, and I have gotten in first. Nothing on the web says anything else about racer, and everyone who has beaten the game, etc., have agreed biggrin.gif. Nothing but mirrors.

Hope this helps,

Darth Iguacu3948

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Guest theahnfahn

I know we have gone over this a billion times, but I wish we had a level editor. I am so good at making levels. Should we even try making a petition for Lucas Arts? Shoot, I am not asking for a free add-on. I would pay for it. The game itself is my favorite racing game. The controls are excellent, the speed is excellent, the graphics are so-so, but the levels can't last forever. Anyone even willing to have their name put on a list for one? We could give Lucas Arts an ultimatum:


1)Level editor for E1 racer, or

2)More levels for E1 racer, or

3)An E1 racer sequel


If over a hundred people signed, maybe we could get one. Not that many frequent here, but if every podracer website pitched in...


Just a thought.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Well, I don't have Racer anymore, but you got my vote, I'll put my name on the list just because when I DID have Racer, I wanted the same thing smile.gif



Your Schwartz is so much bigger than mine


AHA! So...We meet again for the very first time!

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