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I Have Completed My Map, Final Questions Needed


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I have a few things I need to do before I publish my map:


1. How do I make that picture that appears when loading the map?


2. How do I play music when the duel begins.


3. How can I make sure that it is ONLY a duel and won't load as a FFA or something.


4. Bot support tutorials?


Thank you!

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answer to ure problem is u need a script, and folders

best solution is download someone elses map to see the format



for music, u need to use radiant

click on any wolrdspawn entity

type in "music" for key

type in the folder path(where the music is) for value

(the music file has to be 22 khz)

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You need a levelshot picture. Find a nice spot in your map, open console and type: /levelshot. This will save a JPG in base/levelshots. It will then load automaticly every time.


(ps: your can also create your custom one in Photoshop or smth)

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