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My philosophy is this: If a community invents dumb rules about when you can and can't kill people, the best way to deal with such rules is to abuse them until people realise they are stupid, dumb rules.


So, obviously you were in the wrong, but thanks to people like you opponent, it is becoming considered less irresponsible to kill people with type bubbles.


Kudos to those abusing dumb rules!



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and who are you to call these "rules" dumb?

do you even know what dumb means?

these in fact, are what one would refer to as "unwritten rules".

they exist in all facets of life and games.

name any sport, and there are unwritten rules that apply- things that you just don't do. same goes for any job you have, any relationship you have, and anything else you could think of, which in your case, may not be much.

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Originally posted by Gar Suul Von

and who are you to call these "rules" dumb?

do you even know what dumb means?

these in fact, are what one would refer to as "unwritten rules".

they exist in all facets of life and games.

name any sport, and there are unwritten rules that apply- things that you just don't do. same goes for any job you have, any relationship you have, and anything else you could think of, which in your case, may not be much.


They're unwritten because everyone does not have to follow them. Some people get annoyed when others don't follow their unwritten rules, and thats ridiculous.


Lets pretend it's your custom to jump up three times, crouch and spin around ina circle before every duel. You consider it a sign of respect. Just because I don't do it back, doesn't mean I'm disrespectful, it just means I play in a different way. People need to deal with this instead of getting furious about it.


To summarize--I might have been raised on a different set of unwritten rules than you, if you can't deal with that, you will waste a good portion of your life fighting useless battles.

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Originally posted by Vestril


They're unwritten because everyone does not have to follow them. Some people get annoyed when others don't follow their unwritten rules, and thats ridiculous.



Most people agree on these unwritten rules because they make the game better. For example, in most mp games it is an unwritten rule that you don't kill your teammates. So you think you can go around teamkilling and nobody will get angry, welcome to the real world mate.

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Originally posted by MadKiwi


Most people agree on these unwritten rules because they make the game better. For example, in most mp games it is an unwritten rule that you don't kill your teammates. So you think you can go around teamkilling and nobody will get angry, welcome to the real world mate.


Teamkilling is stupid. It goes against the goal of a team based game--for your team to win. Not bowing doesn't remove anything from the game, it doesn't work against the purpose of getting a better score.


Not killing someone with a chat sign is nice, it's polite, but I don't expect people not to kill me if I throw mine up and turn my saber off--I don't get angry at them if they do, killing is part of the game, and I was admitedly an easy kill.


If another person feels that they need the frag, good for them--it doesn't typically counter my purpose of winning the match. I can't say I've ever been in a game where I noticed that someone won because of a large number of type-kills.


In any case, my point is that teamkilling is more than violating an unwritten rule, not killing your team is implicit in joining your team--it works counter to your purpose. Not killing people who are typing, or have their Sabers off is nice, but it's JUST that, no more.


Essentially your point doesn't affect my argument is what I'm trying to say. You're talking about something different.

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What annoys me is if you are in an unnofficial duel in ffa (not with blue glow, just fighting 1 on 1) and they run off and pick up health and shields. I wouldn't mind if it was in a normal fight, but if you've both bowed before hand, I don't think this is a fair thing to do.


My current solution is to turn off sabre and walk away if they do it. Then if they kill me it becomes a dishonourable kill. Of course if i carry on and then kill them I'll laugh.

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Personally, I believe in only one of the unwritten rules. No Weapon = Peace. I only believe in it because i find it annoying when i put whatever weapon i am using away so that i can do something without being interrupted.


To this point, i only play on servers where people actually play by this rule. If they say they play by it, then i wil probably play there. If not, i go somewhere else.


I don't mean to flame those who are in it for the frag. If that's what you're in for, go for it, just not on my server. I believe in a little bit of honor or order (whichever you prefer), so the game can be played without mayhem.


So, for all of you people out there whining because someone plays with no honor, please go f*** yourself and fall on your saber. If you want to play with honor, find a server for it, if not, play where ever you want.

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hi i am a total noob to the entire jedi knight series, but not to quake though.


i actually played online fo rthe first time yesterday and man was that a b!tch. 1 hit and i die. and those punks always use this 1 move but i haven't learned how to do it yet. and yeah i did see some ppl with a icon over their head but i didn't have enough time to figure out wtf that was.


i guess i'll be getting better soon. btw, that emperor's throne room map is the bomb.

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I run my own server that states "Saber Of = Peace". I do this because I run FFA games and like to duel, but don't like waiting in line on real duel servers.


Now, there are two cases when I turn my saber off:


1. To show I'm looking for a duel

2. If after a non-challenge duel I'm hurt bad and need health/armor.


Most players respect this rule (since I kick them if they don't obey it), but there are people that try to use it as a tactic and that doesn't fly in my book.


As far as I'm concerned, turning off your saber during a duel does NOT fall under the peace rule. Once a duel has started all is fair game. That being said if someone turns off the saber then types something Im ok with that...if they do it to avoid dying it's not ok. You have to take it on a case by case basis.


For those of you that thinks it's gay, that's your opinion. If you want to kill ppl that are OBVIOUSLY not interested in fighting at that moment then be prepared to suffer the consequences.


Following this rule brings me much more enjoyment from the game. I can't stand the random cluster-fuc*s that occur on most FFA servers, you know what I'm talking about...a group of people all mashed together swinging wildly or simply spamming backstab-backsweep moves into the crowd. I usually just stand outside the fray and will sometimes turn off my saber letting other players know I'd like to duel or fight one-on-one. Most of the time I leave my saber on and wait until someone strays from the pack.


Agree or disagree...I just find that *fighting* with the saber is MUCH more fun than swinging wildly like a friggin moron. People that agree with the saber off rule are generally better fighters and are more interested in having a good fight than having the highest score.


P.S. I've only seen ONE player in all the games I've played that actually topped out his score with skill. The rest are gankers and spammers that think the name of the game is "Jedi Anarchist".

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Here's my two cents on each of the main subjects here.


#1) It sux when you are playing against cheap bastards that will try to kill you while bowing. It's retarded and disrespectful. BUT, it is unwritten and not a rule, just nice. It shows that you are ready and that you respect your opponent eough to deserve a bow. Personally I will allways bow when playing on any public server, but if I am playing LAN against my roomates (who don't bow at all) I won't. But my roomies don't deserve that respect anyway ;)


#2) My saber is off allmost allways. If I am not defending an attack or attacking, my saber is off. The reason behind this is because I can tell what stance someone is in if they stop moving for just one second and they have their saber drawn. This way I know what to expect. I like to be unpredictable. If I need a min to gather my beer or whatever I will state so from a long distance away and make sure that my opponent knows that I need a second. If I get no acknoledgement, then I say game on and beat them, then grab the beer.

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I never signed any agreement to bow, or not kill typers, or not kill people with their saber off. Personally, I don't kill people typing if they are in a corner or something. But if we are dueling then he decides it's time for a break, he's a dead moron. I don't bow either. I think it's probably the stupidest thing ever started in a game. If I am dueling someone and he is 9/1, I'm not going to bow to him, I'm going to try my hardest to kill him. Respect? Please. Do you honestly respect random people on the internet? No, I don't think so. I will, however, let people bow if they want, but if they are just walking around with no saber, trying to look like a badass, well, I can't guarentee their safety.

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I agree with flippo (and any of the other opinions that follow the same trend). People can bow if they want. I'll let them, and then stab them in the head when they're actually ready to fight. Same goes with people typing, or doing whatever else they do while the speech-bubble thinger is over their head. As soon as they're done, they're fair game. If, however, they "type" just to get out of dying, I say butcher them and move on. Too bad if they complain.


I'm a bit iffy about the "Sabre off = Peace" thing though. If someone's wandering around with their sabre off, they're either trying to look "bad" or they're trying not to draw too much attention (which makes sense, really). I might pause im my Slash of Doom if they show absolutely no interest, but other than that...

What Phr00t mentioned (Vader's comment "You are unwise to lower your defences...") is perfect. If I'm in the middle of a fight, and you (you in general) decide to turn off your sabre, you're a fool.


On another note, I find it amusing to taunt my opponent if they bow. One guy's showing the utmost respect, his opponent is flipping him off (more or less).

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I hope someone is keeping track, cause I lost count of how many times people have b!t**ed about this stuff.


Let's face facts here. People are gonna play however they want to. so until you actually learn how to use mind trick or something in the real world, there isn't any way that you can change their techniques.


If you follow some sort of code (sberist, anti-saberist, or some guns code) then i would recommend that you ohnly play with people who play by those kinds of rules. Because when you don't, and you get your @$$ owned becaused of it, you come here and complain that no one plays with honor or some crap like that. If you get owned because no one else will play by your rules, that's your fault.


So, if you want to solve your problem, go play on a server where your kind of rules are enforced, or even host your own.


As for the cheap @$$es who like to use one-hit saber moves and crap like that. Well, it's just that, they are cheap and there is no changing that. There are ways to beat them, you just have to learn how to do it.


There is no way to prevent them from being cheap, so just deal with it. And honestly, in my opinion, if they are only using one-hit kill moves, then they are really playing the game for the wrong reasons. I play it for the saber battles.


I thought the saber battles were cool to begin with, but after i downloaded the patch i thought they were even cooler. Of course that thought ended when i joined a live server and played against real people and found that the only way they could win was with one-hit kill moves. Now i have to play their dirty ways in order to win a few.


So like i said, just deal with it, stop your b!t**ing, and good gaming.

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