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Tripmines and detpacks ammo packs give you the weapon


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I'm currently working on a mp map, Araidin, which I have set up with weapons only available to a player when they spawn, so once they enter the map, they only have those weapons they start with. The idea is each time you spawn you choose your weapons then enter the game. This is all done in a matter of seconds, and I'm really happy with how it's working. The only problem is that the ammo packs for tripmines and detpacks (probably thermal dets also, come to think of it) act in the same way as if you got the weapon, so you can use them straight away. This would make sense if you could only pick up the weapon once, but as it is with these weapons you can pick it up over and over, so there really is no need for the ammo packs. If they could be made to function more like the other weapons that would be really great, ie if you pick up some rocket ammo, you can't use it until you get the rocket launcher. So with the detpacks you get the detonator from the weapon, and maybe with the tripmines you could be picking some virtual "applicator glue" ;) (jk, but if anyone ever asks...:))


This would also stop people camping out the detpacks in mp, they would have to find ammo (scarce in mp) or die. And camping the detpacks is a problem, which is why I don't want them riddled through my map.


While I'm here. Can you please please please do something about all these people who insists on attacking with thier backs to me, in the hope they get a backstab. And then they do which just pisses me off even more.


The fix you have made for the jump slash attack is awesome. I love it.


Grip is still annoying, is there ANY way to get free from it? Any combination of force powers and moves to defeat the grip?


The lightning now absolutely rapes your health. I hate it, so do most people except those who attack with their back to you.

Whatever you did to that healing power is just wrong.

Use all your force with lightning on someone, obliterate them.

Use all your force with health while being obliterated. Get nothing.


Really I want the tripmines and detpacks fixed tho :)

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