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changing the background music


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I remember I was able to edit sounds with a pk3 program for quake 3, can I do the same thing for jkII? Or is there an easier way?

I want to replace the music with EP I and EP II sounds =) Namely duel of the fates ! :p

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yes you can change the music. im sure there is a number of ways but i did it like this..

i made a pk3 file and put a folder called mysongs in it.

inside mysongs (you can use what ever name you want), i put a couple mp3's, i think you can pretty much name the pk3 file what ever you want too. i just named mine test1.

now when im in game i just pull down the control panel thing...shift + tild and type in "music mysongs/mp3name"

mp3 name being what ever song you want to hear.

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