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taking your padawan learner through SP game


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I've found that perhaps the most rewarding aspect of this game is being able to increase the difficulty and complete the game with a little help from an apprentice of your choosing.


Either that, or you could go through the game as Luke's apprentice or have the jedi trainer as your master... or maybe i'll try running through it with a prisoner, or with Jan or Lando... or both...


Damn this game is cool.


OK, enough rambling... it's likely no one even knows what i'm talking about anyway.

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if you have cheats enabled you can spawn one of the npc charactres like luke, jan, or a jedi trainer and they will follow you around and fight the enemies with you. but yeah they do die pretty easily.

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Originally posted by Leagle

For the jumps, etc.


You realise, however that they'll die a lot. Some bits weren't designed with npcs in mind.


True, buti've found that they work nicely for the most part. There are some pathfinding issues, sure, but the overall coolness factor far outweighs the negatives.


Another thing i'm diggin on right now is binding taunts. Nothin' like defeating a few Stormtroopers and/or some Reborn and hearing Kyle say somethng like, "Got 'em!", or "Where's your master, apprentice?"


Or when you see them coming, you hear Kyle say "I have a bad feeling about this" or "We've got company!"

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