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imperial shuttle


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There should be no proplem with the textures at all. Their is a sctructural shuttle with the noclip_physics texture inside and the box for the shuttle.md3 around it.

In the editor it should look like a red box with a transparent/redish shuttle-shape inside.


Once you start the game, the shuttle should appear normally.


Or do you have another problem?

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when i load the prefab in i see the box around the prefab and i see two things... the texture layer and the model layer.... the texture layer appears to have someparts showing but mostly it looks like the textures are inside the shuttle.... im very new to this and need someone to walk me through it... i dont know how to get the maps in game.... when i try and load it it says there is an invalid file format of invalid map or something....

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(If you use these hints, don't forget NOT to include the " " in the editor variables!)



Oh, it is ok to look weird in the editor, for Radiant shows all the textures which are hidden during play (all the solid objects or special script zones.)



To get your map into play, place an "info_player_start" (for single player) or an "info_player_start" AND an "info_player_deathmatch" (for multiplayer).



If you use "light" entities (those little diamond-shaped thingies), they will illuminate the level. If you want to save timem just push "N" and select "worldspawn" (at the very bottom).


Enter the variables:

"ambient" with the count: "100"


"_color" with the count "1 1 1"


(This will give you a lit level with normal white light)



All objects you can walk on (the floor brushes) and the walls, ceiling, doors,... must be solid. To make them such, select them and click "Selection"=>"make solid" (in the task bar).



Now select "BSP"=>"BSP FullVis" (in the task bar) and a DOS window will appear. This will take long and is called compilation, which turns your map into the right file type.

You must save the map in the "Jedi knight 2/base/maps" directory, or it will not work!!!



Start the game, open the console (shift+^) and type "devmap <yourlevelname>"


Happy mapping!

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